Thirty Four

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I didn't like having to face Luke, let alone at a club meeting with him and Morgan just four short after the news of Jason's death spread across the population of Darien. He even had the balls to look at me like nothing had changed and he wasn't the absent father of my twin sisters baby. It made my blood boil to stand at the head of the tables in the library, instructing the Model UN club on how to conduct themselves at the competition in DC next weekend. I myself wasn't going, as I had elected not to be on the team, but their success was still my responsibility.

As expected, the cause of our Kyrgyzstan team was growing weaker by the second. Underclassmen generally got countries with no political power so they didn't have the chance to screw up the entire debate, which subsequently made their argument harder to make. Again, as expected, Luke and Morgan were our only hope at winning. Admitting that Luke was doing a good job was one of the last things I wanted to do but that was the reality of the current situation.

When the meeting was over, I left without speaking to him as per usual since our breakup. I no longer hung around after the other members left to chat with Morgan and Luke. I was not welcome to them and vice versa. Tonight the two of them had b-lined for the door first so I took my time. Syd was going to pick me up anyway and take my back to Will's house but she was never on time. Sydney was mind numbingly early or four days late with no in between and to be honest, it was usually the latter.

The cool night hair hugged my skin as I walked down the steps of the back of the library, my black backpack lazily sling over my shoulder as I hugged in exhaustion. There had been no classes the past two days nor would there be any for tomorrow due to open counseling for yet another death at Darien High. Will had gone in both days but no one else I knew which honestly irked me slightly. I thought more guys from the wrestling team would care about Jason's passing. Then again, maybe their pride just didn't let them admit it.

With a frown settled on my lips, it only deepened when I saw Luke's BMW still in the empty back parking lot with the exception of a black McLaren that I do desperately did not want to see. It all become increasingly apparent to me that Syd had sent Hunter to collect me in some play at making us talk to each other. Between the three of us constantly being around Will, I think Jay Syd had figured out what had happened with bits of information from each one of us but she obviously was not for me ignoring Hunter.

As I walked around the front of the car to begrudgingly get in the passengers seat, I noticed there was no one in the car. That's when the unmistakable sound of a grunt carved from pain filled my ears. My body snapped around on instinct, spotting the two familiar figures pushed up against the other side of Luke's car, now visible from my new angle. Without thinking, I dropped my backpack on the ground and ran over, watching silently as Hunter's right first shot forwards and naked contact with Luke's jaw, dropping the lanky Sri Lankan athlete like a sack of potatoes.

"I've been waiting for fucking months to punch the smug little look of your face, Ahuja," Hunt growled audibly enough for me to hear him from a feet feet away. Unlike when Hunter picked a fight on school grounds, I suddenly found myself transfixed in the fight and the way his muscles rippled under his T-shirt. We could do easily all get arrested but at the same time it almost felt less risky. I felt like Luke deserved it more and that was a fucked up thing to say. Did I really think he deserved more pain than my rapists? Not logically, but emotionally I felt exactly that. Perhaps it's because I couldn't even remember my rape and Luke's wounds were still fresh. But I was not diluted enough to think what Max and Cliff had done was better than Luke. Those two deserved to rot in hell.

"What I do has nothing to do with you, Khan," Luke grunted as Hunter didn't hesitate to wind up and land another punch on Luke but this time in his gut, Hunter's left hand balled in Luke's collar. I watched the two of them on the ground, Hunter absolutely destroying Luke as he dodged the sparse blows easily.

"If it has to do with the Klein twins, then it had to do with me." Hunter halted his beating to use both hands on Luke's neck, pushing him against the dark pavement. "Not only did you treat your girlfriend like shit after she was raped, but you chastised her about it like she was the cheater and not you when you were too busy fucking her sister," his menacingly low tone assaulted my ears like they could kill a man without even trying. It sent a chill down my spine to see how cold and violent Hunter could be, but wasn't I the same way? Wasn't I the one to get into not one, but two fights first? I had no right to judge him. "You're a fucking despicable joke and it's embarrassing you can even hold your head high after everything ounce of manipulation and lying you've done. At this rate, that kid is probably better off without you than the phantom of hope and delusion their father was a good person." 

I could hear the smirk in Luke's tone as he spoke in a condescending tone. "You're just jealous I fucked both of the twins before you could, aren't you? Everyone thinks Ki's the sluttier one and they aren't wrong. The only problem is she only puts out so often and the other is an easy lay. But trust me, life is so much easier if you make them swallow."

That's when the unmistakable crack of bone filled my ears before I could even process he image of Hunter's body reacting to Luke's words.

The sound of broken bone followed by multiple other grunts of impact was enough to snap me into focus. "Hunter!" I called out, taking a few steps closer as Hunter stopped his assault immediately, looking up at me with his hands easily holding Luke's struggling arms down. "He's got a busted face and a broken nose. That's good enough. He isn't worth our time."

To his credit, the track hurdler stoped immediately to pacify me. It was a simple and easy gesture but it still made me feel like Hunter some what respected my wishes despite blatantly ignoring them to come here and pick me up. I wanted space and he did the opposite. Then again, that's kind of hard when we had the same friends.

"So you don't want to get in on this while I have him pinned down?" He raised a dark eyebrow almost mockingly. He pushed down on Luke's skinny body as he got up, adding extra force for good measure. "You're lucky she stopped me or you'd be in the nearest hospital."

"I don't want to see your face outside of Model UN again, Luke, or I won't hesitate to make due with Hunter's threats," I added as he tried to scramble to his feet, looking like a bleeding new born giraffe.

"Oh, and for the record," I called as he glared at me, moving to get in his car and wipe the blood off of his gushing nose. Under the moonlight it glistened, clearly coating his cut up face. "Maybe I would have had sex with you more often if you could actually make me cum."

And then his door slammed, leaving Hunter to smugly what the terrified teenage pull out the parking lot, all while he smirked in satisfaction.

Honestly, part of me wished I had taken hunter up on his offer.

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