Chapter 10: Back to School

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"Eria, Alexandria, Nelson, we need to go back to Earth" I told them.

"WHY"!!!! They asked in unison.

"We have to protect the innocent from Demiruns now that Death is back they will go crazy" I told them.

As we headed to the portal that linked our world with Earth, we decided we have to go to the innocent's most frequently attacked area.........School. As we started walking there we put an illusion on our weapons to make them easier to hide at school.

"Why do we have to go back here, we were lucky enough to leave here in the first place" Eria said

"Do, you think I want to go back to school to I hated it here, except for seeing my loved one" I said

"OH MY GOD WHO IS SHE" Eria asked bouncing around me.

"If I told you it wouldn't even matter" I told her.

"Fine, be like that then" As she started walking like normal. The school's name was very odd name (What the hell, bubble heights who came up with that) Bubble Heights.

"I like this school already" Eria said smiling.

"Bubble Heights this has to be a joke, because this name is just stupid" Alex said.

"I don't know but this guy as to be on drugs to name this school that" I said trying not to break down the sign in front of the school. We entered the school to see normal kids you now the populars, the athletes, the geeks, and the.... interesting people. "Now, this feels like school" I said approaching the front office. We walked into the door seeing a tall lady with long black hair, fair skin, and she was wearing a navy blue collared shirt and jeans.

"Why hello there what do you need" asked the lady with a cheery voice.

"We'd like to enroll please" Nelson said.

"Why sure tell me your names" the lady asked.

"Mikael Daemon, Alexandria Crow, Eria Haru, and Nelson Lightner" I told her

"Okay I'll be right back" The lady said

"Crow, what the hell were you thinking Mikael" Alex said as she punched me.

"I could have chosen it myself" She said.

"Yeah I was afraid of that" I told her.

"MIKEAL I WILL KILL YOU" she yelled at me as she pinned me to the floor

"Ummm......What are you to doing" The lady asked, seeing me and Alex on the floor.

"We are practicing our acting" Alex said.

"OH, you can continue I'll watch" She said Alexandria punched as hard as she could and literally took my breath away. I groaned in pain for what felt to be hours.

"Wow, you guys are natural I could really feel his pain" the lady said.

"I'm not act..." I said before Alexandria kicked me in the stomach.

"Mikael, SHUT UP" she shouted at me. "Sorry he can get a little annoying at times"

"And you could be very deadly at times" I whispered, she kicked me in the stomach a second time.

"May we have our schedules now" Alex asked the lady, she shook her head and gave us our schedules. Nelson helped me back on my feet and we all went to our first class.

"Why, do we all have the same damn schedule" I said trying to stand on my own through the pain Alex inflicted me with. I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into a girl.

"I am so sorry about that here let me help you" I said.

"Thanks" she said.

I gave her the book I was holding and when I saw her face I was stunned she was gorgeous she had long ginger hair, a nice body, and a face that would melt you, she was wearing a purple tank top and a red skirt.

"HI, I'm Mikael" I told the girl.

"I'm Meriel" she said with a smile.

"Meriel, beautiful name what class do you have now" I asked.

"I have Physics" she said.

"Really, me too guess I'll see you there" I said she gave me a smile meaning yes and gave me a hug which hurt because my ribs are still broken.

"Ohh, Mikael you already hitting on a girl" Eria said smirking at me.

"Eria, I don't want to hear this from you" I said as we walked towards Physics.

"Wait, Eria you have Physics?" I asked.

She stopped and looked at me like I was crazy. She gave a simple nod and we continued toward Physics. Then I remembered that we had the same schedule, I looked back to see the rest of my group chatting.

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