Mission part 1

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Yo sorry for not posting in a bit. Well I have been posting jut not what you ant to read, but never the less you don't have to kill me now because I present to you a good chapter. PS I have some real interesting things coming up in a chapter or two so stick with me and


Lucy's POV,

I woke up to the chill of my bed, meaning Natsu didn't break in. Though I wish he did its nice to wake up to the warmth of his skin, the way his hair will slightly tickle mine, how his arms are wrap- OK WHAT THE F*CK! I'M NOT FALLING FOR HIM! I CAN'T!

Ok calm down Lucy. I got up and did my usual routine. next I make sure to pack the things I might need for the mission. ok now that I'm done Natsu is probably at the guild already so ill head there.

After I got the there I opened the large doors and all eyes seemed to fall on me. I ignored there stares and walked forward stopping in front of the balcony were Natsu seems the hang out.

"Oi! Are you coming or what, cause' if were walking there we have to get a move on."

And if right on que Natsu jumped down lander in front of me. "Tsk," dear Mavis I swear that's he only thing he knows how to say, well at least in front of other people.

Time Skip brought to you by the spirit king
We were now outside of the requesters (I don't know just go with it) home.
I knocked on the door and less than seconds later(wtf is that supposed to mean) the door open slightly to reveal a skinny, elfin man.
"Hi! Were here for the mission you requested."
"Oh,yes yes yes come in," he said in a hurry, obviously nervous. Probably because of Natsu.
Time Skip because I don't want to go back and see what they say if your really a Fairy Tail fan you know the mission but I'll explain it anyways.
Now it's time to go get a maid costume.
Basically we have to sneak in and destroy an old book called Day Break, but lucky is the old perv is looking for a new maid that's a pretty blond. AND IM BLONDE AND PRETTY! I told Natsu to meet me at the mansion while I go get the costume. This is what I ended up getting and decided to just wear it out once I payed for it.

On the way I got a lot of looks from men and people even whistled

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On the way I got a lot of looks from men and people even whistled. Which I found disgusting. Though I have to admit is was really comfortable.
"Natsssssuuuu!" I called once I saw his salmon colored hair. (people it's salmon not pink) Natsu then turned to me but immediately turned back around. I could swear I saw a blush but maybe it's just my imagination.
Natsu's POV
"Natsssssuuuu!" (Yes I counted) I turned around and the women was in her costume. I turned back around because I was sure I was blushing and if I looked at her any more I might have a nosebleed( I typed in nose and then nosebleed popped up). "Natsu, are you ok?" She asked. I took a deep breath and turned to her.
"Tsk, can we get this over with already." A tick mark (you know those red thong they get when there mad or annoyed) appeared on her head.
"Fine, and I don't get why your so agitated your the one who asked to come along."
I only glared at her which only made her scoff. I still don't get why she's not afraid of me.
Lucy's POV
I walked up to the door and looked back at natsu, who was hiding behind a tree, before I knocked. A few seconds later a gorilla looking women opened the door. "I-I'm here f-for the job," I managed to stutter out.
"Master she's her for the job," her voice cam out like a full grown man it's almost scary, no it was scary. A tiny man with other maids, and may I say U to the G L Y, popped out of the ground right beside me. "Hgh hgh hgh (whatever that sound he makes is) no you are to ugly."
"WHAT!" I screamed, I was so close to knocking some sense into him when he said, "Although if you still want a job, one of my businessman is looking for a new sex slave." I cringed so hard I might of turned in to one of those maids. "No Thanks! See ya" I said as I ran away. I quickly hid behind one of the trees, which happened to be the tree natsu was hiding behind. I turned around to see natsu with the usual anti-emotion face of his. I mean seriously how is it possible to not show any emotion other that annoyance and anger, it's unrealistic. " THAT'S IT, THE PERVERTED DWARF IS GOING DOWN( while writing this I thought of Meliodas from The Seven Deadly Sins)!" I was disgusted and I wasn't going to let that slid but I still get the feeling that something about this mission is just not right. Natsu just rolled his eyes and started walking toward the mansion.
I'm sosososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo so so so so so so so sorry. I was going to write more but then I was alike these have waited long enough so here it is sorry if it's really bad but this all I got please forgive me I can't say I was busy because I wasn't I had all fall break and the like 3 weeks we've been back in school but noooooooo I decided to read fanfics instead so I'm a lazy bum. So I will try my best to update from now on but I do warn you it will be slow but I'll try non the less.
Word count: 1005

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