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Sup new chapter and this chapter is dedicated to @AngelEKechukwu @komalalsAKoala and @GoldenTorkai because they read my story and actually liked it so The inspired me to the next chapter because I was having doubts about this so thank you and
Natsu's pov
There was cuts all over her stomach and a slash down the middle of her chest reaching her waist line. "Women, who did this to you?" I tried as her as I could not burst in flames and kill whoever did this. "Your not done." I didn't understand what she meant but then it hit me. I started to blush a little but I brushed it of. I got on my knee and started taking off one of her stockings only to reveal more cuts. I quickly took off the other stoking. "Is there any more?" She nooded and turned around. Of the front was bad the this was the end of the world. There was whip marks, deep slashes, huge stab wounds, and the thing that stood out the most the word slut carved in her shoulder. That most be why she freaked out when Lisanna called her that. I was done trying to be calm. "Lucy who did this to you," I said with venom in every word. She looked a little surprised I used her hear name. "I'll tell you, but first you have to fix the cut that open and promise that you'll leave him alone. I ran away to live a new life so I don't want to have any thing to do with him." I sighed and went to her bathroom to get the first aid kit. I brought it back to her and stitched up the wound that opened back up. "Now tell me who did this to you!" "Well my name is Lucy Heartfilia. The rich family that owns this big shot company. When I was young my mother Layla Heartfilia died and my dad blamed me for it. at first he just treated me awfully, but then I started to get worse. he only hit me, like slaps, but then it got more brutal. It became so brutal that he had a special room so he wouldn't get blood on the floor so the if we have company they wont see it." Lucy then started to giggle which turned into a laugh, then she started to tear up, and final break into tears.

Lucy's pov

After I told natsu about my past I just couldn't hold it in anymore. all the things he did to me. I then buried my face in natsu's chest and continued to cry.

Time Skip

after I stopped crying I take a shower to get the blood off. I was now in my bed snuggled in natsu's chest. "Thank you." "For what?" "For being there for me. the only other person that knows about this is Juvia." "Oh I know. I asked what she meant by 'Blood Bath Blond' but she refused to tell me because she made a promise to you," I sat up and looked him in the eye and said "you didn't hurt her did you?" He then shook his head no. I then sat back down and soon fell asleep.

Time Skip to next day

I woke up to this warmth. Like didn't need to worry because someone was protecting me. I then realize that there as arms around my waist. I start to panic so I turn around to only see that it is natsu. I then start to blush like a mad man. I turn around and try to get up only to fail miserable. oh I have a idea. "If you don't let me get up I'm not making breakfast." he then let me go so I could get up. I guess he's hungry. I decided not to take a shower sense I took one last night and just got dressed. I went to the kitchen and started to cook. Once I was done natsu came and sat at the counter. I put his food in front of him and sat down and ate. once we were done we walked to the guild. on the wy here we herd whispers like 'oh no its chaos', '*gasp* who is that girl with him' and the most annoying 'ha she must be the chaos tamer'. it was obvious that he hear that because he started to growl. I sighed and I guess he heard because he stopped. once we got to the guild. everyone stared at me because natsu was standing right next to me. I sighed once again because natsu glared at them which made them look away. Lisanna then marched up to me and said, "Alright skank your going to pay for what you did!" she then tried to punch me but her hand was stopped by natsu grabbing it. She looked up at him and said, "Why are you protecting this bitch. You should be with be not this skank that shouldn't even be in Fairy Tail." At this comment I could tell he was three seconds from exploding. I decided to step in so he doesn't kill her. "Natsu." He took in a few deep breaths and let go of her hand surprising everyone in the guild. He then went behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, put his head on my shoulder and said, "Mine." I swore I was blushing so hard I could be a walking, talking tomato. I looked up to see the guild in complete and utter shock. "Could you let me go so I can get a job. I haven't got the money for my rent." he then let go of me and jumped onto the second floor. I walked over to the quest board to pick out a job. I wonder what he meant by 'Mine'. I found the perfect job and that's when Happy flew in. "Lucy!" "oh hey happy!" he then flew into my chest. While holding him I walked over to Mira and told her I was taking the job. "Het Lucy can I come with you on the job?" He said looking up at me. "yah sure but you have to ask natsu first ." It seems by saying that it snapped everyone back to reality. "Why would he need to ask me?" "Well your basically his father and I wouldn't want to take him without asking." "Hmm yah he can go but I'm coming with you." "Why?" "Because your weak and cant protect yourself." "You know what fine! Ill prove to you that I'm not weak and I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself!

Lisanna's pov

That little bitch ill get her back for taking natsu from me and then he'll be all mine. for now ill go on a job to clear my mind. I went to the quest board and my older sister Mira was putting up new quests. One of the quests caught my eye. I took the quest and read it. Who in there right mind would offer this much to find a missing person!? "Hey Mira can I hang on to this one?" "Yah sure."

Sup hope you liked it. I got some really nerve raking ideas for this book. I wonder who this missing person is, and what chaos it will bring Fairy Tail. Well its 6:00 in the morning so in need to go asleep. also this might be the last one for awhile because I got grounded and this is a special privilege but maybe not who knows. Well see you in the next chapter.

Word count: 1275

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