Chapter 4

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When I open my eyes, I expect to see my old purple zebra wallpaper from when I was twelve and all of my old stuff in my old room in my old house in my old town. But instead when I open my eyes, I see my dreary little unfinished, cramped, unpainted room. I moan and slowly sit up and throw my pillow at my wall in anger. I sigh in frustration and I eventually just come into acceptance that I have to get up. The shower wakes me right up and for once in a long time, I feel happy. Hot, clean water always can make you feel better! Once I am dressed, I grab a granola bar from the kitchen and grab my bag, throw it over my shoulder and start the walk to school. But a very happy thought crosses my mind once I realize that today is Friday. And I can be alone with my friends. And of course, by friends I mean my books and my couch and a bag of Doritos. Which is pretty sad. That is, if my plans don't change. When I get to homeroom I am puzzled by the hum of excited chatter. And today, not just the jocks are dressed up. Everyone is wearing red and white, our school spirit colors. And here I am wearing an old sweater from last year and some tattered skinny jeans with ratty converse. I sit down, puzzled. It takes me a moment, but I hear someone say "Homecoming" and I realize that this is a big part of their little "School Spirit!" gig here at Preptown, USA. And I didn't even dress up. Oh well. I don't care.

Luckily, time seems to fly by (when you're not having fun) and before I know it, it's almost time to go home but first, there is one teeny, time problem. Its called Lunchtime. Mom packed a lunch for me today so I couldn't have any "problems." It consists of a paper bag filled with a ham sandwich, an apple, a water bottle and, of course, my favorite, Doritos. I smile whem I see that. I love her. Although strict, she is my mother and I think she's pretty awesome. Again, I scan the lunchroom, looking for a place where there is a possible chance I could fit in somewhere. My hope shoots up as I see a red-haired girl, sitting all alone at a table, looking lonely. I walk over to her and ask if I can sit. She looks up with hope. She says yes so quickly I actually have sympathy for how lonely she sounds. She is actually pretty, her crimson hair bunched up in a loose ponytail and her ocean blue eyes shimmer with curiosity. She is wearing a plaid sweater and worn out boot cut jeans and some old sandals. But we get talking and laughing and by the end of lunch I have made a friend. I guess this place isn't so bad after all.


Hello folks! So, she made a friend! Yay, Meredith! See you in the next chapter!


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