9. Dark

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I breathed heavily as I woke up from my nightmare, cursing as I fell back into the bed. The things Tyler was capable of doing were even present in my dreams.

I couldn't fall back asleep after that. I got up and realized it was almost 11 am. Thank god it was Saturday and I had the day off, after everything that happened last night I needed a break.

As I showered I thought about why Tyler hadn't tried anything with me. Whether or not he was flirting with me—wouldn't he have tried to get at me at least once? He always hinted at something; whether it was holding my hand, touching me, getting close. But he never went far.

I didn't think much of it; always pushing it to the back of my mind when I entertained it.

As I changed, I made sure the curtains were closed. Ever since that night, I became so aware of my surroundings.


I got home from the library. I had to write a paper for english and for some reason I could concentrate way better when there was people around, oddly enough. I sighed, realizing I still had to do math. Fuck, I had to catch up and try to make up what I had completely missed.

Then, a text lit up my phone.

dinner? pick you up in 20.

I replied.

i can't. i have to study for math.

then i'll be at yours in 20.

i seriously can't fail this exam. maybe next time.

I waited for a response, but of course, there wasn't any. He as already on his way.

I picked up my room, running around and trying to clean clothes off the ground—making it presentable.

Before I knew it, there was a knock on my door downstairs. I sighed in relief remembering that my mom was going to be at grandma's tonight.

For some reason, I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked okay. I never cared, but I just wanted to look good enough. The oversized shirt covered my boxer shorts.

"It's open!" I called from the stop of the stairs.

He walked in, closing the door behind him as he saw me, walking up the stairs. I made my way into my room, jumping on the bed with the textbook open in front of me.

"I told you I was going to be studying all night."

He came over, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"So you can leave if you want," I finished.

"You don't know me at all," he took the book from me, reading it.

Tyler immediately began to write something on my notebook and I watched as he concentrated. His lips parted as he read the book, then quickly writing something else down.

"What else you stuck on?" He handed me the notebook.

I examined it, my eyes widening as I immediately realized he had answered all of the math equations I was stuck on in a matter of minutes.

Closer: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now