3. Ghostride

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I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I didn't even know his name. The mystery played in my head. I kept thinking about what he did, who he was, what he was capable of. I couldn't get him off my mind.

I got out of the shower.

Frank was supposed to pick me up and get me to school today since my car had gone to shit.

"Nadine? I thought you left? Where's the car?" My mom poured coffee into the cup.

"You know how it was acting up for the past week? Last night it gave out. I'm gonna get it to the mechanic today though."

"Last night? Who brought you home?"

"I-uh, a coworker."

"I knew that car was shit. Call your dad and tell him to get you a new one. It's the least he could do." She rolled her eyes, grabbing her stuff.

I was glad she didn't suspect anything more.

"Do you need a ride?"

"Nah, Frank's picking me up. Have a good day," I smiled lightly as she left.

I took a sip of my coffee, thinking about him once again.

The honk outside made me jump out of my thoughts as I quickly grabbed my stuff.

"Thanks for the ride. I can't believe my car broke down completely last night." I put on my seatbelt.

"Last night? How'd you get home?"

"Oh, my mom picked me up."

Frank looked at me rolling his eyes.

"Really? then why did she just tell me your coworker dropped you off last night?"

I looked away as I laughed.

"Damn, I really can't hide shit from you can I?"

He began to pull off.

"What happened?"

"I got a ride from someone next to the store. My phone died, it was pitch black out I was like, fuck it. I have no other choice. So this guy literally drove me to my house."

We stopped at a red light as he looked at me like I was stupid. He wasn't wrong.

"Nadine. He knows where you live now. Why didn't you use his phone to call me?"

"Oh my god, relax. He was cool about it. I see him around so it's whatever. I'll carry my charger everywhere I go now, you're welcome."

He shook his head. Fuck, I started thinking about the possibilities. Frank was right; he knew where I lived. The possibilities were endless.

"Did you get his name?"

I bit my lip.

"Uh, no..."

"You can't be serious. Was he cute at least?" He laughed.

"I mean, I didn't really get to see his face–,"

"Jesus fuck, so you got in a car with a complete stranger and you could've died. Cool."

"It was dark! Am I supposed to stare him down or something?"

There was silence before we burst out laughing at the same time.

"I'll see you after class," we both got out of the car, going different directions.


I waited outside for Frank as I stood by the car, tapping my phone nervously. I didn't know why I was so paranoid; the whole time I was on edge.

"You ready—,"

"Fuck! Don't fucking do that."

"What?" Frank let out a slight chuckle, noticing my jump.

"Come up from behind me like that, jesus," I got inside the passenger seat.

Frank and I talked about how terribly boring lecture was as he drove me home.

"What're you gonna do about the car?" He asked.

"Fuck, I need to go get it checked later. I don't know. Honestly it'll probably be towed by the time I get back to the store," I groaned.

I said my goodbyes as I made my way into the house. It felt emptier than usual. I microwaved some leftovers and ate, getting ready for work.


"Please don't be flat," I looked down at my dad's old bike in the garage. It hadn't been touched in years.

I picked it up, swiping off the cobwebs left all over it. Luckily, it was still in perfect condition. I had no other way of getting around for now, so this would have to do.

I biked about 15 minutes to the record store, with a few minutes to spare. I took out my earphones, setting my bike down as I walked over to the car.

"Fuck, you can't be serious." I picked up the ticket. A $200 fine.

I sighed, calling the tow people to come pick it up. Luckily they were able to come and drop it off at the mechanic. I sighed in relief as I hung up.

I looked up from my phone, immediately noticing the same white McLaren that had taken me home the other day. I watched as it pulled in.

He stared me down, slowly rolling the windows up as his car disappeared into the parking garage.

"Nadine! Are you coming in or not?" I turned at the voice of Betty, the manager.

I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Closer: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now