Chapter 19

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Fontaine began to pace around the room in circles. Her heart was racing. Finn walked over and placed his arm on her shoulder. Fontaine relaxed for a moment.
"Hello Fontaine" Alpheus spoke as he flashed up on the screen, anger filled Fontaine's body and she was about to run and punch the screen, but Finn grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. The tears fell from her eyes onto him. Finn scowled at Alpheus who was laughing. Fontaine pulled out of Finns chest and began to curse violently at the screen, the two boys gasped in shock, Alpheus hung before Fontaine screamed anything to offensive at him.
"Try again"
"What?" Fontaine questioned.
"Try to summon the ephemycron again" Finn repeated, Fontaine looked at Finn as if he were crazy before attempting to summon the ancient artefact. She closed her eyes tight and wished that in worked, when she opened them the ephemycron stood in her hands, she waved her wand around it and a gold orb surrounded the navigational device. It was protected. A smile escaped Fontaine's lips and Finn put his arm around her, another part of this adventure was done, but they still had to find Fontaine's family.

Later that night Fontaine walked into the kitchen for a glass of water, she turned to the tap and the water rushed into her glass, it was as if it was competing in a race to see who could reach it first. When she turned the tap again the water stopped running and a few drips fell down. Fontaine felt her body relax as she took a sip of water, right now she felt like she wasn't expected to do anything. Like her family hadn't been kidnapped. She felt, well, normal.

Sorry the chapters so short I've been having terrible writers block with this story, bare with me whilst I keep going as updates might be slow.

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