Chapter 13

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Wheein's POV
That bitch. He's my family and family is supposed to stick together. I can't believe Kanghyun told the Oneus members. First he gets Taehyun arrested. The he refuses to help me. And now he's giving away my plan, to the enemy no less.

I storm into the Onewe dorms.

"Hello noona," Cya greeted me.

"Hello, I'm here to see Kanghyun," I say in a fake sweet voice. "He and I have to talk about a project were doing."

"What project?" Cya asked.

"It's a special surprise," I say.

"Is that why you've been ignoring us?"


"Oh ok, Kanghyun is upstairs in his room."


I storm upstairs and slam Kanghyun's door open.

"You bitch, why'd you tell them?" I ask grabbing onto the collar of his shirt.

"H-how did you k-know?" he stuttered.

"There is a camera in you're room. I see and hear everything and I heard you tell Oneus my plans," I say. "But the sad thing is, you don't have any evidence that I'm trying to kill Hwanwoong. And do you really think people will listen to you. You're just a tiny band. I'm part of one of the biggest girl groups. Who are they gonna believe? Me or you?"


"Exactly so shut your tiny little mouth and don't tell anyone I'm trying to get rid of Hwanwoong. If you do, I'll kill you too. Also, thanks to you, you're sear friends Oneus will be on a hiatus......forever," I say and walk out the dorm.

Kanghyun's POV
That was stressful. Thank god Wheein didn't notice the camera in my room. I caught every single thing she said on camera. Now all I have to do is send it to the police.

1 Day Later
Breaking News: Member Wheein of the popular group Mamamoo has just been arrested for attempted murder. She threatened to kill member of RBW's new rookie group, Oneus, Hwanwoong. She also threatened to kill Onewe member Kanghyun. She said she would end the career of Oneus because Kanghyun blabbed her secret. Her final words before being arrested were "How could you betray our family Kanghyun? You got both me and my cousin arrested." People have been speculating that Wheein and Kanghyun are related and Wheein's cousin is Taehyun.

What will happen to Mamamoo? Will the group split paths? Will they stay together as a 3 person group? Or will other people join the group?

A/N: I have absolutely nothing against Mamamoo and I absolutely love the group.  It's one of the few gg that I actually stan.  Anyways, I can't wait for them to make their next comeback and blow me away again.

Also, have you heard SVT's fear yet?  It's so good.

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