Chapter 23 .

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"Shouldn't they be back by now?" that mean old man asked.

I sat on the ground in between Arthur and Vicky. Molly stretched out behind us. Her back foot would occasionally jerk as she slept and kicked Arthur in the back. He didn't seem to mind. In fact, the way he leaned back into her, I thought he might actually like it.

There was a fire going in front of us. Mrs. Smith had a pan over the fire and was cooking soup. The two little boys were playing a game of tag a little way from the fire, but still in the camp. Their little giggles brought some peace to my worried heart. I didn't like being away from Lily. It was cold, but noticeably warmer by the fire. The hearty smell of the soup made my stomach growl. I covered my stomach with my arm, but it had been quiet enough I didn't think anyone heard.

Richard and Maria walked along the outskirts of the camp. I wasn't sure if they were patrolling to keep us safe or watching for my sister and the others.

"They'll be back," Victory said confidently. "We just need to wait for them."

"How long do we need to wait?" the old man asked. "The sun is beginning to set."

Gray clouds gathered over head, but the sun had drifted below them. Its rays spread through the tree branches to the west while the sky darkened in the east.

"Maybe something happened to them," Monica said carefully. She sat next to Grant not too far away from the fire. The old man stood behind them. I couldn't figure out why Grant was her boyfriend. She seemed nice and he seemed like a jerk. He was handsome though. "Maybe some of us should go find them."

"Nothing's going to happen to them," Victory said. "I'm sure they are fine. Maybe they just got caught up somewhere or decided not to travel in the dark."

It wasn't that dark yet. I looked in the direction they had left earlier that day. There wasn't any sign of them. I was worried about my sister, but she and Hunter had proven themselves very capable over the last few days. If anyone could survive, it would be them. I wasn't sure about Darren, but I didn't think Hunter or Lily would let anything happen to him.

"If they're not back by tomorrow," Richard said, "I'll go look for them."

"Me too," Maria said. It made me feel a little better that others care about my sister and Victory's brother.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant sight," an unfamiliar male voice said.

Those of us who were seated scrambled to our feet. The little boys ran and stood behind Mrs. Smith's legs. Molly immediately woke and stood protectively in front of Arthur. Her hackles were up and her teeth bared. Victory had her bow out and an arrow cocked and pointed at the strange men that entered our camp. Maria and Richard gathered with the rest of us. Their hands were tight on their weapons, but didn't raise them as a threat yet.

"Careful there, girl," one of the three men said to Victory. "You don't want to accidentally fire that at us."

"It wouldn't be an accident if I did," Victory said.

I didn't like this. Not at all. I hoped no one noticed that my fingers trembled slightly. There was a tightening in my stomach that made me want to go to the bathroom, but I held it in. I wished Lily was there. I stepped a little closer and behind Victory.

The man raised a gun. It wasn't pointed at anyone, he was just showing it off. The other two indicated their guns as well. Arthur's fingers slipped into mine and together we took another step back as Molly and Victory stood in front of us. A low growl came from Molly. The dog's reaction more than anyone else's told me these people were not good.

RU in? - 1st novel in the Ruinsaga seriesWhere stories live. Discover now