Chapter 13 .

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I steered the hatchback onto the street of Grant's house. My foot automatically began to ease off the accelerator when I saw the huge number of zombies in front of Grant's house and the neighboring houses. We wouldn't be able to park next door to sneak inside.

My stomach dropped when I realized the chances of my parents surviving - any of our parents - that party was extremely unlikely. I crawled to a stop in the middle of the road far enough from the house that the zombies hadn't noticed us.

Victory pulled up on the passenger's side and rolled down the window. Hunter rolled down his window so he could speak with her. Mackenzie seemed to be okay in the passenger seat. I couldn't see the boys, but there wasn't any crying so I assumed they were okay. Molly's head suddenly came between Mackenzie and Victory and I could no longer see my sister.

"What's the plan?" Victory asked. "I'll lure them away again."

"I don't know, Vicky," Hunter said. "If the zombies surround the van, I'm afraid you guys won't be able to get away."

"We have to," Victory said. "Our parents are in there."

I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that our parents wouldn't be as we hoped.

Monica pulled up on my side and their passenger side window rolled down. "What's the plan?" she asked across Richard.

I looked at Hunter. He looked at me. "I don't want to leave the kids alone this time to draw the zombies," he said.

"So we leave a driver with each of the vehicles and the rest of us will go in while they distract the zombies. They can drive around together to watch each others backs," I said.

Hunter nodded. "All right," he said. "Monica can stay in Grant's car. Darren can drive your car."

"I want to go in too," Darren said. "My parents are in there."

"Mine too," Maria pointed out.

"The girl should stay with the car," Darren said.

"What?" Maria and I both asked at the same time.

"You think I'm weak because I'm a girl?" Maria's voice grew louder.

Hunter and I both shushed her. I looked at the zombies down the street, but none of them had taken note of us yet.

"That's not what I meant," Darren said.

"But it's what you said," Maria said accusingly.

"We don't have time to argue," I said. "Just do rock, paper, scissors."

They both frowned at me. Hunter scowled at me, but I wasn't sure why. I thought it was a perfectly reasonable suggestion.

Maria and Darren put their fists together and did rock, paper, scissors. Maria threw rock. Darren did scissors.

"Ha," she said triumphant in her victory.

"Darren, Monica," I said, "do either of you know how to shoot a gun?"

Darren shook his head while Monica said, "My dad takes me to the shooting range every two weeks."

I put the car in park and got out. The others followed me. Darren got into the driver's seat with a frown on his face. He had to adjust the seat forward since he was shorter than me.

Richard and Grant exited Grant's car. I leaned in through the passenger window to give Monica the gun. "Only use it in an emergency," I said. "The sound might attract more zombies." Monica nodded.

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