Chapter 21 .

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The rest of the day went by without further incident. We camped just inside the treeline by the freeway. We each took turns with the watch. The night was colder than the previous night. There had been occasional sobs through the night. I think all of us cried at one point except for Grant's dad. I missed my parents.

The next morning we broke camp and continued on our way. It was late morning when Hunter stopped us. Gray clouds hung heavy overhead and blocked the sun.

"We're coming upon Freemont," he said. "I think a few of us should go into town and see if we can acquire guns and maybe some crossbows or bows."

"And what if the few that go in never come out," Grant's dad said.

"Then you can leave without us," Hunter said.

"I'm going in," Victory said.

"We'll talk about that in a moment," Hunter said.

Judging by Victory's pout, she was taking that as a no. Mackenzie gave her a short hug to comfort her. Victory smiled briefly at my little sister.

"I think the children should stay here with Mrs. Smith," Hunter said.

"I'm staying too," Grant's dad said. "I'm not risking myself for something foolish."

"Yesterday you were talking about going back home thinking the military or police would have everything in order," Mrs. Smith pointed out.

"Well," Grant's dad said, "if they are, they will be in this town too and then whoever goes into town can come back for the rest of us."
"I'm going to stay too," Grant said.

"What do you want to do?" Hunter asked Monica not unkindly.

She looked at Grant who gave her a little hand signal to stay. "I guess I'll stay," she said.

Richard's eyes lingered on Grant and his dad while Maria's eyes lingered on the children.

"I think I better stay too," Richard said. I liked that. He was the biggest of us and if Grant or his dad tried anything Richard could stop them.

"Me too," Maria said.

"Great," Victory said. "Then the rest of us can go in with you."

My little sister frowned and shuffled from foot to foot. She was clearly not as eager as Victory to go into a city filled with zombies. And I didn't want her to come with us. It would be safer in the woods where she could hide or escape more easily.

"Vicky," Hunter said as he placed a hand on his little sister's shoulder. She rolled her eyes clearly knowing what was coming. "You have the bow and arrows. If zombies attack here while I'm gone, don't you think it's best if you were here with your weapon? Nobody else has a long range weapon."

"I still have the gun," Monica said helpfully.

"Don't use it unless you have no other choice," Hunter told her. "It might attract more zombies."

She nodded.

"You are the only one who has a silent long range weapon," Hunter amended his words to Victory. She frowned, but nodded.

"Be safe," she said as she hugged him.

"I guess," Darren said, "that means that Hunter, Lily and I are going in."

Mackenzie hugged me tightly. "Be careful," she whispered to me.

"I will. I promise," I said as I returned her hug. I kissed her on the top of her head. "We'll find Tanner and be a family again." As much as we could be without our parents. It still didn't feel quite real that they were dead even though I had seen their bodies. It almost seemed like we were just on a camping trip without them.

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