Chapter 3 .

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Victory ran from the window and out of Hunter's room towards Grace's room. Mackenzie tried to follow her, but I grabbed her wrist. "You are not going to leave my side," I told her.

"Keep running to me," Hunter yelled out. "Trust me!"

Arthur didn't waver as he ran straight into the Sang's side yard. He ran away from the crowd of zombies behind him and towards the handful in front of him.

Now that he was closer I could see the tears that streamed from his brown eyes and onto his dark cheeks. There was red splattered across his Black Panther costume, but it didn't appear to be his blood. The Black Panther mask had fallen off and bounced along his back as the string hung onto his neck.

"Drop to the ground!" Hunter yelled just as the zombies running from the front of Arthur reached him. Arthur dropped to his knees and curled his body into himself with his hands holding the back of his head. Three zombies tripped over him.

"Run!" Hunter yelled.

Arthur was instantly on his feet and running again towards the tree.

Victory reappeared with Grace's bow and an arrow cocked and ready. She leaned out the window sill looking for her first target.

"Don't kill them!" Mackenzie cried out. "We might still be able to help them."

"We can't," Victory said calmly. "They are zombies."

I wondered if it should disturb me that zombies didn't seem to faze Victory.

"Veer to the left!" Hunter called out. Arthur didn't hesitate as he shifted to his left. A zombie ran passed him and was stopped by the wooden fence between the Sang yard and their neighbors.

Arthur resumed his course. He was almost to the tree, but so were several zombies. One moved and blocked his path to the tree as the zombie rushed towards Arthur. Arthur's steps hesitated for the first time.

"Don't miss, Vicky," Hunter said.

"I won't," Victory said.

Hunter called out to Arthur again. "Keep coming!"

Great tears ran down Arthur's cheeks, but he didn't hesitate as he ran forward again - straight towards the zombie.

Victory let loose the arrow. The zombie reached out for Arthur - almost had him - but the arrow split through the back of his head and he fell forward into the grass. Victory readied another arrow. Arthur continued to run towards the tree. There were zombies close behind him - reaching out with their fingers.

"Jump!" Hunter commanded.

Arthur used his momentum to put his bottom foot on the trunk and jump up. He reached up with both hands. Hunter leaned over the branches and caught him. For a brief terrifying moment, I thought Arthur would slip out of Hunter's grasp, but Hunter was strong and he hauled him up in the tree.

Zombies surrounded the base of the tree and scratched and reached up towards Hunter and Arthur. It hurt to see the small children still in their costumes among the zombies.

Hunter guided Arthur back up the tree branches. I reached out when they got close. Arthur took my hand and I helped him inside. He threw his arms around my waist. I held him close and stroked his hair as he sobbed and cried into my shirt.

Hunter easily climbed in after him. He closed the window and took up his position by the window again. He looked out at all the zombies in the yard. Victory withdrew the arrow and let the bow rest by her side.

RU in? - 1st novel in the Ruinsaga seriesWhere stories live. Discover now