Chapter seventeen part 2

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A/N: okay quick update for this cause I'm stupid and forgot to give credit where it is due, unfortunately I could not find the exact comic but the comic's creator is known as Spatziline on YouTube, I sincerely apologize for forgetting to mention them, everyone please check them out they have some really funny videos!!!
Marinette wasn't expecting anything good to happen to someone like her. So when she opened her eyes after being kissed so lovingly it was natural for her to gasp, covering her mouth with her hand. "A-Adrien?" She asked quietly. Silently, he nodded to her.

Running a hand through her hair she tried to calm down. "Give me a second." She said, climbing off of the bed and walking into the bathroom, Adrien's eyes following her and the red thing that zipped quickly and sneakily into the room. In there he could hear running water and hushed voices, unknown as to the discussion happening behind the closed door. "Excuse me for a second there kid." Plagg said, sipping over through the door and into the bathroom, now joining in on the conversation.

"He gets akumatized too much!" A voice not belonging to either of his friends announced. He couldn't hear much, due to the running water and door blocking the sound, but he could tell that this was a serious conversation. So he pulled out his phone and checked it, it read 4:52 PM. Unlocking the advanced phone and going onto the Ladyblog, as he usually did in his spare time, he started looking at how many times he had been an accomplice to an akuma while trying to save Ladybug.

"Adrien?" Marinette said, walking out tentatively as she exited the bathroom. "I have something to tell you." She said quietly as Adrien our up his phone and climbed down the loft bed's ladder. "It's okay Princess, you don't have to tell me." He said with a sad smile. He could tell she was nervous, maybe she was telling him that she didn't love him as he did her? What if she was going to say that she was disappointedly turned out to be him?

"Adrien I-I have to tell you this. It would be unfair if I didn't. Adrien I'm-" Marinette took in a deep breath and looked at Adrien confidently, only for her trapdoor to burst open and Luka, Alya, and Nino's faces to pop in. "Marinette are you okay? I heard about the attack and that note the one girl gave you!" Luka exclaimed and ran up to her, putting his hands on her shoulders as she turned around and looked at him. Adrien growled as Luka looked Marinette over and quietly started holding her hands.

Grabbing Marinette, his arms wrapping around her torso and setting his chin on her shoulder, he said, "She's had a long day, give her some space." Marinette's face lit up in a bright red blush. "Don't you have a girlfriend lover boy, and besides last I heard you hurt Marinette, so take a step back. Come here Mari, I'll take you out for some coffee." Luka said, reaching his hand out, his glare suddenly turning into a sweet smile.

"Uh, can I have just a second?" Marinette asked awkwardly, all of her courage fading. "Oh, sure?" Luka said, putting his rejected hand back into his pocket as the other scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. Adrien let go of Marinette with a sigh, avoiding the looks of excitement and curiosity from his friends as he watched her scramble to the nook underneath of her bed.

Quickly she picked up a, Chat Noir themed may he just add, pen and scribbled something down on a red peace of paper. Walking back over to Adrien she gave the note to him with a light pink face and simply said, "Join us." Before walking back down the stairs with Luka and the other two.

Without looking at the note, gripping it in his fist and rushing after them, he rushed it if the house to see Marinette slowing the group down, seeing if Adrien really would join them. Her face lit up when he appeared out of the bakery and walked over to her. The group, noticing their now close behavior, didn't know how to feel. Especially Alya, on one hand she was ecstatic that her friend was so happy after such a horrible day, the poor girl hadn't even been able to fix her purse yet and was instead now using one that resembled a black cat with green eyes.

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