Chapter fifteen

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Their inkling of a feeling became an accurate guess because not even half way into their lesson a hole was blown into the side of the wall, luckily all of the students were already crowded on the other side of the classroom for another group project, revealing Hawkmoth's newest akumatized villain: The Keeper.

Marinette and Adrien leaped into action quicker than The Keeper could make her request for something and then demand their miraculouses. "Everyone out of the classroom, quick!" Adrien yelled, helping the stampede of people out of the broken learning room. Marinette on the other hand was distracting The Keeper, throwing things and throwing her voice while she could before getting caught.

She was also getting a good look on all of her belongings and where the akuma could be. "I am The Keeper! Anyone I take a picture of I can reveal all of their memories! I keep them and have them forget who they are!" The Keeper yelled out with a growl. "Then I guess we'll have to keep you trapped here!" Adrien yelled out, having ducked behind the teacher's desk and transforming once he was sure that he was forgotten from the room.

Now Chat Noir was standing on top of the desk, a smug smirk on his face, as he leaned on his staff with both hands holding onto it. "I agree with that statement Kitty." Marinette says, she had transformed under a desk that was halfway crushed under a large amount of rubble, ensuring that she had most definitely not been seen transforming.

Now she was swinging her yo-yo in a circle, clearing away the dust from the air. "Chat the Camera around her neck. That's where her akuma is." Ladybug said calmly. Kagami's new attire was much like a New York detective from the old 80s and 90s movies she used to watch with her Papa. "What a lovely picture this would be, but I need to ask, did you see a girl with blue pigtails run out of the room?" Chat questions, he hadn't seen her run out when he was helping everyone.

"Yeah I did, did you see the blond Agreste boy?" Ladybug questions, wanting to make sure her friends was okay as she lied. "Why yes I did Bugaboo, now I'm afraid that we don't have time to capture the moment, we'll have to make this quick!" He yells as he uses his staff to push him off the ground and towards The Keeper.

It would be a lie to say that the battle ended quickly, it having started at the school in the early morning and ended halfway across Paris around lunchtime but, since the author is horrible at writing battle scenes, it did feel as if it had ended as quick as it had started to the two superhero partners. "Pound it!" They said, giving each other the fist bump they had both sorely missed. "It's been awhile since we've had a battle like that Bugaboo, it's almost picture perfect." Chat says, giving her a smile that lights up when she laughs.

"So then, still up for patrol tonight?" She asks happily. "But of course LB, whenever am I not? Besides, I have surprisingly good news to share." He says and catapults off with a wave, leaving his partner alone with the fear that rushes through her. What if he was going to tell her that he's marrying his girlfriend? What if he wants to stop being friends and partners? What if he's returning his miraculous to Master Fu because he hates her?

These thoughts pounded against Marinette's skull as she found a safe alley to detransform in. Walking back to the school Marinette gripped her arms, her nails digging into the hoodie's fabric. She could hear footsteps behind her but she didn't really care, she was too scared that Chat hated her. That he'd leave her. That he'd abandon her.

It was a surprise to Adrien when he had seen Marinette walking rather slowly, hunched over, to return back to school. Thinking that they could walk together he sped up, reaching a hand out to touch her shoulder only to end up on the ground. Marinette had crouched down quicker than a flash and used the balls of one of her feet as a pivot while she used her leg to sweep him out from under his! When she had looked at him she gasped and quickly went to help her up.

"Adrien I'm so so sorry! I thought you were the akuma!" She said, coming up with the lie rather quickly. "It's no problem Marinette but uh, what was tha- are you crying?" He asked, letting her help pull him up only to notice the forgotten tears streaking down her face. "Tears?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrow as she touched her wet face.

"Oh I didn't realize- I, I'm gonna go. I'll see you at school Adrien." Marinette says, quickly dashing in the direction of the school. Taking a few quick turns she arrives, being one of the first ones to come back. Immediately she began to avoid everyone, heading as quick as she could to the empty bathroom and sliding down the door as she gripped at her scalp. "Marinette, I'm sure that everything's going to be fine! He said he had good news! If it was bad news then he wouldn't have looked so happy!" Tikki says, quickly floating out of her holder's hoodie hand pocket thing.

"I-I I know, I'm s-s-sorry." Marinette whispers through quick gasps for air. She didn't leave her spot until she heard the courtyard go quiet, quickly cleaning herself up before heading out of the bathroom and up to the newly magically repaired classroom. "Marinette where have you been?" Madam Bustier asked, holding her clipboard as she looked nervously at the girl. "Sorry ma'am, I got lost." Marinette lies, she knew Paris as if she had made it. She knew every street, road, alley, and roof.

Each having been memorized during patrol and when running the streets of Paris. "Well then sit down so that we can continue our please." The teacher says, turning back to her board after writing Marinette down on the list of present students. A couple of kids, such as Max and Kim and Nathaniel, has all seen Marinette rush to the bathroom and not leave. Had they not all been guys they would've gone to see what was wrong with their friend.

But instead they chose not to tell anybody and go on with their day and now something was wrong with Marinette. Everyone could see how puffy her eyes were from what they knew had been crying, not only that but she was shaking horribly! She almost tripped over her own seat from shaking so bad. She couldn't have been cold, everyone knew that the jacket she made was warm from touching the fabric and her letting people try it on one day.

So what was it that was bothering their friend so much to lie about where she was, to cry, and to be shaking like a leaf on a tree? Well whenever Marinette suddenly received a note that had been passed down to her she felt like she could throw up at any moment. She had received a note from who she knows was Lyla. Alya, having watched Marinette closely since she sat down, started trying to read the note after seeing Marinette's reaction, only for Marinette to lock it safe inside of her fist and slip her hands into her hoodie pocket.

"Marinette girl are you okay?" Alya asks, worry thickly laced in her voice. "Alya, Marinette, do you have something to tell the class since you seem so intent on speaking?" Madam Bustier asks, turning around from the lesson. Marinette's eyes flicker over to Lyla before she bows her head down. "Ma'am Lyla passed Marinette a note and she's really shaken up about it." Alya says and Madam Bustier walks over to Marinette. "Can I read it Marinette?" She asks softly, getting down on one knee and steadying herself by holding onto the desk. Marinette doesn't look at her, only at her knees, as she shakes her head no.

"Marinette, it's okay, you aren't in trouble. Just let me see the note and nobody else will be able to read it, okay?" She says softly, holding her hand out, palm open. Silently Marinette looks away, pulling the crumpled note out of her hoodie pocket. Her fist shaking madly as she forces herself to put the note into her teacher's trusting hand.

"Lyla! This is a serious offense! I'm sorry Marinette I'm going to have to take you to the principal's office so that we can get this sorted out. Lyla, come with me!" Madam Bustier exclaimed, standing up and crossing her arms at a tsking Lyla and a shaking Marinette.

A/N: Sorry this came out so late I didn't put into account that I'd be going to my grandmas house and track tryouts so here's the chapter! Yayyyyyy, cough cough, anyways maybe you'll find out what was in the note in the next chapter, or maybe you won't, who knows? Have a good day/night!

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