Chapter twelve

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Chat didn't leave until sunrise, once again keeping the mask Marinette had made. Instead of leaving with a friendly wave and a smile her kissed her hand, then fallowed with the smile and wave. He had thanked her for letting him stay for so long and had apologized for keeping her up all night. He had also asked for her to sing to him more often, claiming that her singing voice was lovely and that he'd have to challenge her with his piano skills since he couldn't beat her at Mecha Strike III. Giggling, Marinette agreed and waved him off before turning around and seeing the wide grins of her friends.

"So Marinette, got anything to tell us?" Alya asked, Marinette only have a shake of her head with a small smile, telling them "No, no there isn't anything to tell." Before taking everything back inside and sitting at her desk. Mylène and Rose were both talking about how romantic it was, Alya and Alix we're pressing for conversation on the topic from Marinette, and Juleka was just telling Marinette that she liked her singing.

"Marinette you should totally sing for the band one time! I know you just make the costumes but it would be really cool if you sang for us! I'm sure Luka would like it too!" Rose exclaimed and Juleka nodded along, confirming the whole bit of dialogue. "Uh, no thanks guys. I didn't even mean to sing. I just didn't want him to cry. Come on, let's go out and find something to do. I heard the ice rink is open today." Marinette said, standing up and walking over to her trapdoor.

"And guys, don't mention this to anyone. It would put Chat in danger of my father's wrath if he found out that Chat was visiting me in the late of night." Marinette whispered awkwardly, receiving nods and giggles. Saying goodbye to the bakers the group made their way to the ice rink, the boys joining them half way. It was a surprise but a good one, everyone was bored on this uneventful Saturday.

The girls kept to their promise of keeping secrecy as well. Not even mentioning hide or tail of the cat themed superhero. Everyone was currently skating with their respected partners, Mylène with Ivan, Alya with Nino, Alix was competing with Kim. Rose and Juleka were skating with each other, much to Juleka's delight, and Max was helping with Kim and Alix's competitions.

Everyone except for Marinette, who was watching everyone from the side while stretching. She knew better than to just jump into something head on and risk hurting herself. So she decided to stretch and wait for a few minutes. She was dog tired from staying up all night with Chat Noir as well, and the bags under her eyes were showing it. "Hey Mari, that's some interesting stretches you're doing." A voice says from behind her.

Lowering herself down from the arm that was holding her above the ground, and letting go of her foot, she was able to steady herself into a crouch before standing up to see Luka, Adrien, and Kagami. It was Adrien who had spoken, that much was clear just by the nickname, much to Kagami's disinterest. "Oh hey guys, funny seeing you all hanging out." Marinette greeted with a smile.

Luka put an arm around Adrien's shoulders and leaned on him with a smile. "Yeah well Adrien's a pretty cool dude. Much better than that Chat Noir guy." Luka says with a sour face. Kagami's eyes lingered on him for a few seconds before turning to see Marinette's look of anger. "Luka how could you say that? Chat Noir protects Paris, and in turn you. I thought that you'd at least be grateful for what he does but I guess I was wrong. I'm gonna go skate." Luka's face morphed into surprise at Marinette's outburst while Adrien's turned into one of glee.

He was going to argue for himself but was cut off by Marinette's defending him quicker than he could even think to speak. He watched as Marinette tied her shoes on and joined Alya who beckoned her to her. Nino quickly skated over to Adrien and looked at his happy face. "Lemme guess, Marinette stood up for herself?" Nino asks and that's when Adrien noticed that Kagami was gone, his phone buzzed with a message saying she went home. "No, she stood up for Chat Noir." Adrien said breathlessly.

Luka took his arm away from Adrien's shoulders as the two watched Marinette in amazement. To say she was skating beautifully was an understatement! She was doing quadruple axels, sometimes turning more than just the four times, without even breaking a sweat! She'd even stunt the landings, immediately following up with spins and other jumps and tricks. It was more than just graceful! It was downright perfect to a T!

Everyone stopped and started cheering for Marinette, causing her to stop and look at everyone in surprise. "Marinette that was awesome!" Alix exclaimed. "Super cool dude!" Nino called out. Adrien quickly laced up his skates and skated over to her as fast as he could, skating circles around her. "Care for a competition Marinette?" He asked with a smirk.

Marinette have a grin, her eyes meeting his, "But of course, it would be pretty cool to wipe the floor with you." Everyone heard her words, all with wide grins as they started placing her bets, but Adrien was the only one to hear her pun. "Oh? Well then I find it'll be ice to test your skills." He grinned along, he may not have been Chat Noir at the moment but he was going to have fun with his Princess.

Just as Marinette went to shake Adrien's hand and initiate the competition, she yawned. It was a rather large one, one that showed just how tired she really was. "Oh, ah sorry. How about we do this tomorrow? I didn't sleep last night." Marinette said, sheepishly rubbing he back of her neck while her face turned a redder color.

The girls all started to giggle, leaving the boys confused and left out of the conversation. Suddenly Adrien did the same thing, remembering that he had kept her awake last night, "Oh yeah, sorry. I should've asked if you were okay. So uh, what kept you up?" He asked, mentally facepalming as he saw the gears turn in Marinette's head as she stared at him blankly. Soon enough her cheeks heated up and she declared that she was up late last night working on a special clothing line.

"That's so cool Marinette, what's the clothing line based on?" Luka asked, sliding up to Marinette with his simple smile. "Oh uh, it's based on Chat Noir," She said awkwardly as she fiddled with her hoodie. A frown appeared on Luka's face and it most certainly did not go unnoticed by anyone, including Kagami who was hiding and recording the whole thing. "Woah really? Mind if I come over some time and look at them?" Adrien exploded.

"Oh yeah, sure. You a fan of Chat Noir too?" She asked with a smile. "You could say that. I'm more of a fan of Ladybug but it's still really cool." Had it been two years ago that he said that Marinette might've blushed beet red and exclaimed just who she was. But it wasn't two years ago, Marinette didn't have a crush on Adrien anymore.

She wouldn't do anything in the world to win him because he wasn't a prize, he was a friend. And she'd do anything in the world for him because he is her friend. Just like she'd do for everyone else. Maybe that's why when Marinette didn't turn into a tomato or stutter a single time at the mere sight of Adrien that concerned everyone.

Marinette wasn't the same Marinette she had been. That much was clear by how she stood and sat and walked. She was always tense, always ready to jump up and fight. The same was for now. She was positioned to be able to stand but she was also ready to skate away at any moment. She was expecting something to happen, everyone knew it, but no one knew what she was expecting.

Why was the girl that was now so happy seem so ready to fight? "Hey Mari, are you sure you're okay?" Luka asked, getting a dangerous glare from Adrien from stealing the nickname. "Hm? Oh yeah. Yeah I'm alright." She lied. She...needed to be alone for a few minutes. "Hey guys I'm gonna go home and get some rest. This competition will happen tomorrow." She said, giving Adrien a jokingly serious smile.

Marinette had returned her skates and left, finding and empty alley to transform in. She just needed some time to herself was all. Just some time to push that beast back into its lair before it grabbed her again. She was scared. She was always scared these days. There hadn't been an akuma in nearly a week. It petrified her.

She knew Hawkmoth was waiting. She could feel him waiting. She could feel his sinister grin  As he waited patiently for her to break again. He knew he wouldn't have to wait long. She knew it too. Maybe that's why Marinette was so tense, as well as why she was so ready to leave at any second. She knew that she wouldn't be able to outrun that akuma but she would be damned if she didn't as well try. She'd do anything in her power to protect her friends and family for as long as she could.

Even if that means she has to die to do so.

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