Chapter 16

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"This is much worse than I thought... Something has to be done."

A dark figure stood on the topmost balcony of the Mewnian palace, overlooking the shore where two lovers spent their last sweet moments together in peace.

"What do you wish us to do?"

That figure turned to their co-conspirators, shaking their head.

"I will deal with this myself for now." Sighing, the shadow spoke in a quieter, more mournful tone, "If anything changes.. You will be the first to know."

"It is likely that drastic measures will have to be taken. Are you prepared for that?"

"I will do what needs to be done, no matter what."


Elara laughed hysterically as she ran for the water, the Septarian general hot on her heels. They had been on the shore for hours, talking, eating and reading. And now they moved towards the water, Elara daring the General to chase her and catch her. She looked over her shoulder and saw the smirk on his face. He was gaining on her.

She pushed herself to run faster, only slowing down when the water lapped at her ankles. The ocean pulled her in, slowing her to nothing more than a crawl. Water had reached up to the middle of her thighs and held her down. 

Toffee caught up quickly then and growled playfully as he took the small princess' body into his arms.

"Gotcha." He chuckled deeply into her ear. 


A giggle erupted from Elara's lips, playfully fighting to try and release herself from the General's grasp. This elicited another chuckle from Toffee. He turned her around to face him and lifted her up to his level. 

"Ooh.." Her cheeks burnt red underneath and all around the Lilac spades embedded into them. 

"Elara," Toffee's eyes softened and his lips pursed, his voice taking a deeper, more sultry tone as he uttered the Princess' name. It sent shivers down Elara's spine. Her mouth dropped open in surprise at his sudden change.


"I.. I've longed for you, in ways you shouldn't know.."

The Princess' eyes widened. "Toffee..?"

He leaned down, his fingers feathering over her bottom, his lips grazing the sensitive skin on her neck. "I want all of you. I want to... Taste...." 

Elara couldn't stifle the sweet gasp that welled inside. Her body tingled, her mind whirled. And Toffee's hands inched over every dip, every curve. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, almost making her sick. Nerves and a primal desire had taken over, but Elara was.. Scared. Everything within her wanted to give herself up to Toffee.

"Toffee I.."

With her words, Toffee stopped. It was nothing more than a pleasant tease. 

"I.. I think I love you, Elara."


The sun beat down upon Elara as she spent her free time in the garden. Leaning over a patch of flowers she had planted, she cared for their needs as if she were their mother. They grew nearly perfectly under her care and - thanks to her lifted spirits from the night before - they thrived. It was almost as if they could feel her emotions, hear her heart singing. Elara hummed a tune as she worked, a smile never leaving her face.

The night before had been incredible. Toffee's warm voice saying those words continued to echo within her mind. The words any young girl wants to hear at least once.

"I... I think I love you, Elara."

It sent tremors of uncontrollable happiness through her.

But her moments of happiness were interrupted by the nosey, annoying butler Tobey. Her hands automatically folded across her chest in disappointment.

"My lady?"


"Your mother wishes to see you. She is waiting for you in the throne room." Tobey didn't even allow Elara to speak, he simply spun on his heel and left the courtyard. What could her mother possibly want? An audience in the throne room meant it was something important. Elara and Moon hadn't gotten into any trouble lately. Maybe it had something to do with the negotiations? Or maybe it was about Elara finally getting the Butterfly Queen's wand?

Elara shrugged to herself. Regardless, she needed to clean up and attend as quickly as possible. She brushed the dirt off of her hands and trudged up to her room. Hopefully, the audience wasn't about something else.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, the young Princess made her way to the throne room. Along the way, she encountered some servants and butlers. Strangely, they all estranged themselves from her and whispered things under their breath. Their looks and body language put Elara on edge. Something was going on and it wasn't anything good.

Finally making it to the throne room, she could overhear her mother speaking to Moon.

"Did you know?"


"You know you can tell me, Moon."

Moon stayed quiet for a moment, likely thinking hard about her answer.

"Whether I knew or not, this has nothing to do with me."

The Queen sighed. "I suppose you're right."

What the hell was going on? Elara felt her heart drop. There were very few things this conversation could lead to and one of them was what Elara had desperately wanted to keep secret. She wanted to run away, never look back, and escape with Toffee. Mewni didn't need her.. but Moon did. She couldn't run. 

Taking a deep breath, she went into the throne room.

"Elara." There was no mistaking the anger sinking into the Queen's voice. It felt as though Elara's heart would rip through her chest at any moment. "There's something I'd like to speak with you about."  

Elara nodded her head.

"I've noticed how close you and the monster General have gotten."

"Yes.." After Elara's reply, the Queen went silent. Realizing that her mother expected an explanation, Elara cleared her throat and continued, "I thought it would be essential to gain trust between us for the negotiations. Especially since I will be Queen of Mewni one day."

"Is that so?"

"Of course."

"Did you expect to fall in love with this... Cretin?"

"Wh-what?" It was like a sheet of glass shattered inside of Elara's mind. The Queen gave Elara a disapproving glare.

"You think I wouldn't know? This is MY kingdom."

"Mother, I.."

"Stop." The Queen's voice boomed across the throne room, "I will not allow my daughter to fraternize with a damn monster any longer!" 

((The Endgame is upon us, friends. Only one chapter left.. I hope you don't hate me once it's all over. But, anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and will stick around for the ending! Don't forget to vote and comment! Stay toasty my dudes!!))

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