Chapter 1

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Elara stared out into what would soon be her kingdom. The village of Mewmen, in the world of Mewni.

It was pitted in filth, driven to poverty, but it was slowly becoming a civilized kingdom once more. The thought of everyone coming back together made her smile. Peace was rare in Mewni, Elara knew, thanks to all of those believing that all the monsters in the world were evil; mostly the Butterfly family.. Her family.

Over the horizon she could see the glint of steel armor and weapons as an army of monsters approached. On any other occasion she would have gone running to her mother or father, but that day was special - it was the day the two kingdoms would come together with negotiations for a lasting peace treaty.

Though Elara felt it was useless; the Mewmen hated monster-kind worse than any other race in the galaxy, it was still a step in the right direction.

"Elara! The monsters are coming!" A young girl came running into Elara's room, giggling almost uncontrollably. Moon was always giggly around her big sister, but no one else had the privilege of knowing her jovial side. Elara loved that she held a special place in her sister's life.

"I see that. They're carrying their pitchforks and torches - ready to burn down Mewni's precious castle!" Elara said, presenting her speech dramatically and giving a pose like no other. This caused Moon to die laughing, holding her abdomen as if she could hardly contain her boisterous laughter.

"No kidding!" Moon joked, "But are you seriously going with mom to negotiate?"

Elara turned quickly to gaze out the window again. She saw that the monsters were coming close and realized her mother would be setting off to meet them soon.

"I'm going to try," Elara spoke hastily, hopping towards her vanity to see how horrific she appearance had become over night.

Moon's eyes widened, but her grin widened even more. "What do you think the monsters are like?"

Elara, still listening to Moon, but also worrying about her appearance, began to brush her long blonde hair over her shoulder, answering Moon once she began a single braid.

"I don't know, Moonie," She spoke, "probably not as bad as everyone says they are.."

Elara finished her braid and tied it off carefully. She looked better, but still not as well as she had wished. However, she was nearly out of time. The monsters had already began to pitch their tents and settle in for the two weeks they were going to stay.

"Mom says they are nasty creatures, who've killed countless innocent Mewmen just because." Moon suddenly got serious, and looked up at her sister in worry. "What if she's right?"

Elara smiled gently at her sister, pulling her into a quick, loving embrace. "Please don't worry, Mom and I will be fine!" She gave Moon a simple kiss on the forehead and made a swift move towards the door.

"I have to go - but I'll be back soon!"

And with that, Elara left Moonie behind and sprinted down the hallway, heading straight for the main staircase that would take her down to the ground level of the castle. That is where she would likely find her mother, making the last preparations for the negotiation.

Excitement carried Elara down the stairs with a speed and grace she had never known. It would be her first time laying eyes on actual monsters. The first time she would be in the company of her mother, learning about being a proper queen for the future. Her heart palpitated nearly out of her chest as she neared the last step.

Her mother was but a few feet away, watching as her servants clipped a saddle onto her warnicorn.

"Mother, mother!" Elara cried, "I want to come with you!

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