Chapter 13

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"Elara talks about you, A LOT!"


"Hehehe." Moon covered her mouth with her hand, swaying side to side sheepishly. Leave it to Moon to completely embarrass Elara in front of Toffee. Elara was glad that Moon reacted decently though; Maybe she doesn't mind that Toffee is a monster?

Toffee's lips pulled into a smirk, showing off his sharp, Septarian teeth. He seemed pleased to hear that. "I see." He slyly looked down at Elara, could hardly contain her shame. Her mouth fell open and she looked from Moon to Toffee, then her gaze fell to the floor. "And what, exactly, does she say about me?"

With a nod, Moonie's smile widened. "Well, she says she wants to-" Before the little princess could finish, Elara grabbed her and put a hand over her mouth.

"No - NO! That's enough, Moon." 

"-MMph!" Moonie struggled against her sister, "Ok, ok; Fine! I'll just be on my way.." She twiddled her thumbs when Elara finally let go, and danced off into the crowd, "You two behaaave!! I'm watching you!"

"Oh my god." Elara facepalmed and shook her head. Her cheeks glowing in embarrassment, "Please excuse my sister, she's a little... Strange." Strange wasn't even the word Elara had in mind at that moment; more like 'insufferable'. She undoubtedly loved her sister, but Moon was entirely annoying sometimes.

While Elara huffed, her hands balling up into fists at her sides, Toffee couldn't compose his smile. She was so cute, all riled up. He knew - along the lines - of what Moon was hinting at, when she talked about Elara wanting to do something with him: but exactly what had him curious. Did she want a kiss..? Or something... More? Shaking his head, he took a step forward. His mind was wandering and that wasn't necessarily a good thing. Not when Elara was dressed so sensually.

"It's fine." Toffee spoke through a chuckle, "Your secrets are yours to keep." He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. When Elara turned she nearly melted. The look in his beautiful golden eyes was mesmerizing. It almost calmed her, until her mind began to sink into the gutter. Giving her head a nice, mind clearing shake, she pulled away from his touch.

Elara began noticed the glares again, as they intensified further. She could even feel the heavy glare from her mother, from all the way across the room. The tangible scrutiny was suffocating. Toffee noticed it as well and slowly nodded his head.

"We should.." Elara began to whisper but was interrupted by her companion.

"Let us part ways, Princess Butterfly." The incredible Septarian bowed low, making a rather elegant show of it all. Then, as he began to walk past the astounded princess, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Find somewhere private. I'll follow you. I promise."

That sent Elara's head spinning. Private; alone with Toffee. Her cheeks went hot again as her mind went to ridiculous places.

"O-ok.." She gave a small curtsy and turned, shuffling away from the crowd that had gathered. Weaving in and out of the many Mewmen, she tried to lose all view from them and her mother. Eventually, she found herself at the edge of the ballroom, close to the dark hallway going towards the tea rooms. She scanned the room again like she had done at the beginning of the ball, looking for Toffee. She saw what could have been him, so she backed into the darkness of the hallway. No one had noticed, that she knew of, so she kept moving. 

She had just reached the drawing rooms when she heard other, larger footsteps stalking up from behind. They were fast, but not running. Turning on her heel, a gasp escaped her lips, and she pressed a hand to her chest. The source of the footsteps was, of course, Toffee, but it scared her nonetheless.

Lost Love [~Toffee~] ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now