Chapter 14

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When the night ended, both Toffee and Elara were drunk on each other's kiss; high on the gentle touches fluttering across the skin. Toffee knew what he was doing, he was aware, and he knew how wrong it was. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop. Monster and Mewman had come together in the most unexpected way. 

Neither of them noticed that the music from the ballroom had stopped. Being so caught up in their sweet moments together had numbed their senses almost completely, even though they didn't utter a single word. The general was the first to notice the change.

"Elara," He spoke up, "We must go." There was a small window of opportunity - one that he wanted to take advantage of. Elara would be safe as long as he could get away from her unseen, but the temptation of her skin threatened to keep him captive. Holding her so close, breathing in her scent... He couldn't bear to let her go. "Elara, please.."

The young princess held her eyes shut. Hearing the sadness in the Septarian's voice had her on the verge of tears; feeling the way his heart jumped as he tried to push her away. "I..." She pulled him closer and buried her face in his chest. "Do we have to..?" 

Toffee returned Elara's embrace, speaking in a hushed but nervous whisper, "We do." 

The sounds of heels against the stone floors began to echo through the hallways of the palace, thrumming into Toffee and Elara's ears. Both turned instantly to the doors behind them. No one came close to the drawing-room, but it was only a matter of time. It was time to leave. Toffee pushed Elara away, his eyes suddenly changing from empathetic to serious, and grabbed her arm. 

"Come." He ordered in a deep voice. Elara followed without a second thought, scared to anger the strong general in any way. He dragged her through the courtyard, into the drawing-room, then back into the hall they had entered from. "There are secret passages." 

The statement took Elara off-balance for a moment. "Huh..?" 

"Show them to me. Now." He released her arm and stared her down with those intense golden eyes. The seriousness within them sent a tremble down Elara's spine. But she did as she was told and began searching the wall for the secret entrance. Toffee kept watch on each end of the hall, hoping they could get away in time. "Hurry, Elara!"

The princess finally found the secret door and opened it. "There."

"Let's go." The Septarian grabbed Elara's arm again, pulling her inside. They closed the door behind them. "Lead us to your room." Without a single word, Elara nodded and lead the way. They passed passage after passage, many of them leading to places inside the castle no one visited anymore. Only the royal family knew of those passages. 

Was it a mistake to show Toffee?

Elara shook the thought from her mind and kept moving. Toffee wouldn't betray her.. Would he? No matter how deep her love for the Septarian was, she still worried about trusting him. She could be playing straight into a trap. 

Lost in thoughts, Elara couldn't recall most of the walk through the passages and almost missed the door to her bedroom. "Oh - Here we are."

It was almost embarrassing to have Toffee see her bedroom. And the idea was.. interesting to say the least. Elara had many daydreams about what she would do if he ever entered her bedroom and none of them were innocent. Turning to look at the devilishly handsome Septarian didn't help quell those dirty daydreams either. 

A sigh fell from Toffee's lips. "We got away."

"Y-yeah. We did."

Toffee took in his surroundings then, turning to see every inch of the princess's room. It matched Elara's personality almost perfectly. He could've guessed it was hers without fail. He turned back to his little princess and smiled. 

"I'm sorry for being harsh.. I -" Toffee paused for a moment, trying to keep his emotions in check, "I don't want you punished for my brashness."

"It's alright..." Elara forced a timid smile, sadness beginning to creep into her mind. The goodbye's were soon upon them. She didn't want to say goodbye; she didn't know when she would see her beloved Septarian again. and after all the time they spent together, the things they did.. It would be torture to be apart for long periods of time.

"Are you ok, Princess?" Toffee stepped forward and offered his hand. Elara took it and nodded.

For a moment, she didn't answer. She knew they would be together again, but there was so much more she wanted to say, so much more she wanted to do. But the night was over. And so was their time together.

"I'm just..." She sighed, "I'm going to miss you."

Toffee chuckled in reply, "And I will miss you." He pulled her hand and took her into his arms. Elara blushed at the sudden embrace but returned the gesture regardless.

"I can't believe this is real.." Elara mumbled into the Septarian's giant chest.

"Neither can I."

"How..?" Elara's thoughts went wild. Before, Toffee was simply a crush. Something she thought would fizzle away with time. But now, things were real. Their feelings for each other were real.

"What is it?" Toffee leaned back to catch Elara's gaze. Uncertainty filled her eyes.

"How are we supposed to be together..?"

The Septarian had thought about this before. The implications of their relationship. The only way they could be together was if the treaty negotiations went well. Even then, a Butterfly princess and a monster? Mewni would never accept it. 

"I..." Toffee was speechless. He wanted to hope that there was a chance. But - realistically - there was very little hope left. "We'll do what we can, but for now..." He took her face in his hands, "Let's just enjoy the moments we have." 

Elara's smile lit up the room and made Toffee's heart skip a beat. "That I can do." 

So she grabbed his waist and closed the space between their lips. And again their passions took control. It took all of Toffee's self-control to keep from throwing Elara onto her bed to do everything he wanted with her. He had more respect for her than that, however. Instead, he caressed her back and ran his hands through her hair, using his kiss and care show her a proper goodbye. Only when Elara was ready, would he take it any farther.

"I should go." Toffee whispered in his dearest princess' ear, "Someone will come looking for you."

"I know.. But.."

"I'll see you again, I promise." 

((It has finally been done. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment and vote, I'd really appreciate it. Stay toasty my bros!! :D))

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