Chapter 5

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The wind blew through the long strands of Elara's hair as she stood on the balcony. She watched as everyone in the little village of Mewni made for their houses, getting ready to rest for the night. Her real interest, however, was in the monsters outside of the magic barrier. Or one monster in particular, at least. 

Toffee. Elara sighed at the thought of his name.

"Toffee.." She said it aloud this time. It made her smile. 

She turned away from the balcony's edge and twirled like a dancer. In her mind, she was at a ball, with decorations lining the walls and columns. There she was, standing at the top of the staircase, in the most beautiful dress any one had ever seen. The trumpets were sounding off at her arrival and everyone on the dancefloor below clapped and whistled. But she wasn't worried about any of them; her gaze had already fallen on the blue-skinned Septarian in the back. 

In his hand he held a drink and his expression was normal of him. Completely indifferent. 

Still caught in her vision, Elara ran down the stairs and pushed through many Mewmen, calling for Toffee the whole time. Finally, she made it to him. He smiled at her, a sudden change in his demeanor, and held out his hand to her. 

"Hello, Elara." His silky voice surrounded her and was music to her ears. She gave him her hand, wanting to feel his touch, and he pulled it up and kissed it slowly, gently. It made her giggle. He chuckled then, in response. "Could I bother you for a dance, my little princess?" 

Before Elara could process his words she nodded vigorously, already knowing what he was going to say since it was her imagination, and automatically started pulling Toffee towards the dance floor. 

Her and imagined Toffee's dance had only just begun before Elara's little world of her own crumbled to her, back in her nightgown and on the balcony of the palace. Her beacon back to earth was her younger sister, Moon, as she screeched for her sister's attention.

"Elara!!!!! What are you doing?!" She was almost falling to the ground with hysterical laughter. Elara frowned, not liking the fact she was pulled from her amazing daydream, but then calmed. If it was anyone else she would have been completely furious. Moon was a huge exception. She fake-punched her little sister in the shoulder and walked back into her bedroom.

"I was dancing, obviously. Ya silly goose." 

"Obviously.. But with whooo?" Moon cooed, taking a running leap onto Elara's giant, light-magenta bed. Elara scoffed and rolled her eyes, sitting down on the opposite side of her bed as Moon scooted herself closer.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" 

Moon shimmied her shoulders and batted her cute little eyelashes. "Oh I would - was it Jacob? Ooh, ooh!! I bet it was Canton!" 

Elara's nose curled in disgust. In all honesty, she hated the princes of the other kingdoms. They were either much too snobbish, or wimpy for her liking. Love really wasn't in her best interest... At least until now. Until Toffee. Thinking of him made her spine tingle a little. But she had to compose herself quickly before Moon noticed.

"Ooh, I saw that - you're thinking of him right now, aren't you?" She lifted and lowered her eyebrows over and over, forcing her lips to the side for a lopsided fish expression. She looked downright silly, but Elara knew that face. That was Moon's face for 'I saw that, you are sooooo guilty.' Elara laughed regardless. 

"You're so funny, Moonie." 

"No, no." She shook the fish-face away and got even closer to her sister, "You're not getting away THAT easily - no way!" Frowning, she crossed her arms over her chest, "You have to tell me! We're SISTERS, Elara, we tell each other everything!" Moon was genuinely saddened by the fact her sister was keeping something like this from her.

Seeing Moon so frustrated over this secret made Elara feel horrible. She wanted to tell her, she really did, but she knew that it was dangerous. If anyone in the kingdom found out she was in love with a monster, not to mention a Septarian and the general of the monster army, they would chase her out of the kingdom like scum. She would be a repeat of her great, great grandmother... Eclipsa.

Elara shook her head, "I'm sorry, Moonie. I really can't tell you.." Her heart broke as she spoke, "But I can tell you that I am, actually, in love with someone." 

With the way Moon's face changed and how excited she got, Elara couldn't help but feel so much better. She hated keeping things from her precious little sister.

"Are you really?!" Moon's mouth dropped and gaped so far she could have caught a million flies like a crazy bullfrog. She jumped up and grabbed her older sister, wrapping her arms around her neck in a strange from-behind hug. "Oh my gosh, that's awesome!"

Elara could hardly contain her laughter. "It really is, but you can't tell anyone. Ok? It's really important you keep this secret locked away." 

Things suddenly got serious and Moon scaled down Elara's body to sit beside her on the bed. She looked into her sister's eyes to see exactly how serious she was. Her face turned a little grim and pained, in a way. Though Moon was a good sister, Elara knew keeping secrets was very hard for her at this point in her life. She had a lot of friends, teenage friends, that she was constantly gossiping to. Elara didn't hate her for this though. Far from it.

"So you're really not going to tell me who it is?"

"I can't, Moonie. But maybe one day I can." 

"I hope so!" Moon giggled. "You know, you could always invite him to the ball."

Elara almost stopped breathing. A ball? In the castle? Her chest ached and butterflies took over in her stomach. She was dying to ask, but she was so worried. She prepared to ask Moon when this ball was going to occur. She only hoped and prayed it was during the two weeks the monsters were in the kingdom.

"Ball? When is it?" 

Moon giggled again, being her normal silly self and definitely noticing her sister's anticipation. "The end of this week, I think. It's supposed to be for the whole peace treaty with the monsters - I overheard mom talking about it earlier today. She said something about inviting the monster king and his general, but not allowing any others inside the barrier.."

Moon continued talking, but Elara's ears had long stopped listening. Toffee was going to be there. Her daydream could come true. The images of her dancing with Toffee came back like a flood, making her heart leap out of her chest. She wanted that to happen so bad. 

Her only question was: would all of Mewni accept seeing their princess dancing with a Septarian general?

*This is a really slow chapter, I sort of wanted to show a tiny bit about the relationship between the two sisters Elara and Moon - but I'm limiting my word count as much as possible and trying to continue with the story. This is just a filler chapter tbh, but I still love it very much :) I'm still very open to any advice and constructive criticism that anyone can throw my way, I'd appreciate it very much! Hope you enjoy the one chapter today! :)*

Lost Love [~Toffee~] ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now