Broken boy.

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Please read the ending note

//one week later

It felt as if everything had begun to fall into perfect place I got the job at the coffee shop and just moved into a one bedroom apartment.


"Hello how may i take your order?" I took the woman's order and continued with my daily routine of taking peoples ordering then making the coffee

/Justins POV


I spent my days just locked up crying,fucking hoes,drinking,smoking
I wanted to die..

"Twist please!" I begged in tears

// Twist's pov

"No i cant tell you where she is."


"No.. but i can call her and maybe you can talk to her please."

"Yes please!"

"Okay ima call her just be quite for right now." i told him

As i dialed and put it on speaker
It rang a few time and she picked up
"Hello?" Her angelic voice rang in my ear

As i saw in the corner Justin's face light up

"Hey (y/n) how have you been."

"You know okay i got A small apartment and a job so okay.."

"Well um Justin is here and would like to talk to you."

"Look im at work maybe later."

"No!" Justin snatched the phone out of my hand

"(Y/n) babe Im truly sorry! Im a wreak with out you by my side i need you i love you. I miss you." he sobbed

"Justin.. I miss you to but im not ready to jump into your arms for you to just break my heart again later. I need time." She sounded sincere

"Can i see you please.." he begged

"Justin im not ready."

"But..." He trailed off "I love you." he mumbled

"I have to go."she said and quickly hung up


(Yn) pov

My knees felt weak , my eyes felt watery, My lips quivered I wanted to break down crying and just jump into his arm forgive him and forget nothing ever happened but it isnt so simple.

I begin to feel dizzy and light headed "excuse me? Are you okay? You look sorta pale." someone said

My legs gave out and soon i collapsed.


"Hello are you okay someone call 911!" I begin to hear light mummers as i began to wake up

"Shes waking up!"

I fluttered my eyes open to see i was on someone guys lap with people surrounding me. I was still on the floor "what happened?" I sat up

"You passed out are you okay?"the guy who i was on his lap asked

"Im im okay i think." I held my head

"Well can i help?" He asked
"No it fine i should get back to work." i stood up
" no. you cant you just fainted. I should take you to the hospital." he said
"Its fine. im okay .. maybe ill just take a taxi and head home thank however."
"Okay. oh where are my manner my name is Dylan." he smiled (Dylan O'brien)
"Im (yn)." you shook his hand "do you want me to call you a taxi?" He offered"yes please ."


"Well it was nice meeting maybe we can hang out. heres my number." he reached in his pocket a pulled out a pen a wrote his number on my hand.


When i got to my apartment the first thing was sleep

I kept thinking of Dylan.. he was so hot. His eyes GWAD. his hair, his face he was just so perfect.

I have no chance with him im just a depressed pregnant girl.. why would he like me..
Why would anyone ever like me?
Why would justin ever like me?
HeS a 10 and im a 2
Dylan is like at 20 and im a 2
Im just charity for people
Nobody really cares for me
If i were to walk of the face of the earth nobody would care.

Why are these thoughts back..
Why is my craving for cutting happening
Why am i becoming so self cautious
Im getting so fat!

(YN) STOP THESE THOUGHT! I told myself..

// morning

Today was saturday I didnt do anything
I looked at my hand where Dylan had written his number i decided to text him

Me: hey its (yn)
Dylan: oh hey! (yn) ive been waiting for you to text me
Me:is that so
Dylan: yeah..i was sorta wondering if you would like to hang out today i would love to get to know you.
Me: yeah that would be wonderful
Dylan: how about we go grab dinner?
Me: sound great at what time
Dylan: mhm how does 6:30 sound?
Me: sounds great see you then
Dylan: cant wait :)

I set down my phone and began to get ready for a day at work.


Justin's POV-

"Baby..Justin..I knew you would come back.."

"I missed you babe."

"Awe i missed you too." Selena kissed my cheek.


Okay okay okay

Well happy late christmas and new year.

Im so so so so so so very sooooooo sorry!

School work caught up to me and haven't gave me any time.

I haven't updated in months!

So please forgive me.

Comment please.

50 comments =next update i promise

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