im sorry

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"well she's stable we had to pump her stomach but thankful she's okay
the baby also he's a fighter."

"H-he? " I stuttered "yeah it's a boy congratulations. "he smiled "can I see her?" I asked "yeah room 13B ." he walked away I walked though the hallways till I reached the room. I quietly opened she was sleeping so peaceful

her eyes fluttered open as soon as she saw me she panicked "HELP HELP!" she yelled "Shh I'm not gonna hurt you." I rushed to her side "D-dont .." she started crying I wrapped my arm her I would expect her to push me away but she didn't she just cried "I'm sorry." I hugged her "So so sorry for everything. " I kissed her forehead "I know that I can't take back anything but I'm sorry." I apologized "R-really? " she sniffed "will you forgive me?" I asked "it'll take time." she smiled weakly "I could've been dead now." I bearly heard her mumble "but you aren't. " I whispered


it was night (yn) had to stay overnight I didn't wanna leave her side though

I tried falling asleep but the chair was so uncomfortable

♥ (yn) POV ♥

it was night and Justin was still here was he really sorry? I closed my eyes but all I could here was Justin tossing and turning on the chair "Justin." I whispered "huh?" he sat up "if you uh want.. you can urm sleep here on the bed tonight. " I said a bit embarrassed "okay." he laid next to me "goodnight. " he muttered "night." I doze off


"remember me?we had lots of fun together. " I heard someone say bit no one was around.. I was in that alley. the one I was raped in.. "whos there?" I called out "your worst nightmare.. " slowly a figure appeared from the darkness.. it was Justin standing there with a huge smirk on his face "let have some more fun." he walked toward me

I ran as fast as could he was running after me "HELP HELP SOMEONE! " I yelled while running I suddenly felt arms being wrapped around my waist "I gotcha. " he smirked "HELP!" I cried


★ Justin's POV ★

I was waken up by screaming and kicking it was (yn) she was having a nightmare. "(yn) wake up!" I shook her. Her eyes bulged opened she was crying "Please don't.hurt me." she cried "never again." I hugged her


she finally fell asleep in my arm. I hurt her alot..

♥(yn)s POV ♥

I woke up in Justin's arms he was asleep I slowly got up.. today is the day I'm being released from the hospital

"j-justin ." I shook him "huh?" he woke up "today we have school." I told him "ugh okay do you have everything? " he asked getting up "yeah." I said looking around the room

"okay come-on let's go." he grabbed his phone "let?" I asked confused "yeah I'm taking you to school. " he smiled "okay?" I said strangely

we grabbed our stuff and checked out when we got to his car it was awkward it was silence the whole way to school .

When we got there it was normal everyone stared and when I got to my locker Justin's friends started coming up to me

"AW the little emo bitch showed up how cute." Ryan laughed "DUDE!" Justin came up to Ryan "what?" Ryan asked annoyed "LEAVE HER ALONE! " he yelled "what are ya gonna do about it? " he shoved me against the locker "LEAVE HER ALONE!" he pounced on him

they started punching on each other. "STOP! " the teacher came up to them wheres a teacher when you need them .."you two are coming with me. " she took them away


I saw Justin come out.." Uh Justin are you okay?" I asked him "yeah but I'm expelled. " he rolled his eyes "i-im sorry it's all my- " he cut me off "it's not your fault its his.. wanna ditch and go do something? like a movie? " he smiled "uh okay." I blushed


for the QOTD ima start writing the question then my answer okay..

QOTD- something only your friends know about you?

my answer- I'm a huge band freak like Bring me the horizon, sleeping with sirens, Pierce the veil etc!


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