Yeah sure..

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I got 1st period , it was horrible everyone glared at me even the teacher I took my seat and kept my head low suddenly the door flew open and Justin barged in he came uo to me and grabbed me "we need to talk." he said "EXCUSE ME! Mr your disrupting our class please leave!"

"oh fuck you." he flicked the teacher off I followed him outside the class

"(yn) listen. "

"save it Justin I know all I need to know. "

"no listen I'm sorry plus I swear as soon I realised what I was doing I stopped and came to apologize ."

"Haha yeah sure."I laughed "Justin do you think I'm that stupid what happened to 'as long as I'm here no one will hurt me?' well news flash you hurt me you always FUCKEN hurt me your the one! if it wasn't for you I wouldn't get FUCKEN bullied by everyone I would still live with my parents I wouldn't have started FUCKEN cutting and guess what else I wouldn't be FUCKEN pregnant!!!!!" I broke down crying "ITS ALL your FUCKEN fault my life is so fucked up yours!!!!"

"I know and if I could take every single thing I did to you I would in a blink of an eyes cause believe me I so fucken sorry." he hugged me

"I-it's okay." I hugged him back "now get lets get back to class I probably have detention." He kissed my forehead "okay." I pulled away from his hug we went back into class "Mr bieber I wanna see you after class ." the teacher said sternly "yeah yeah." Justin rolled his eyes and took a set next to me


Finally I'm starving "(YN)" Katie ran up to me "hey-" I started on "wait uh well there's this um ..this rumor about you it's stupid we'll the rumors' your pregnant funny right?....right?"

"Well it's not a rumor." I sighed

"Ohh.. I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore ." she blurted out

"W-what ? Why" my voice cracked

" I can't be seen hanging out with the school slut i'll look like a slut to." she walked away

I stood there wordless my bestfriend just broke up with me .. I have no one now.

"(Yn) what's wrong what did Kate say?" Justin walked up to me "Justin!" I just hugged him and cried on his shoulder "come on let's go home I'm tight with the principal he won't mind."


I stared out the car window thinking of all the memories I had with Kate ever since we were 5 now it's gone forever . I let my tears stream down my face

"Baby ima cheer you up."


It's been hours since we've been driving around "Justin are we there yet I really really need to use the bathroom!"

"Good cause were here." he parked the car I looked out the window there were hills outside but it was beautiful cause of all the shinny stars sparkling I got out of the car and admired all the stars "you like?" Justin asked "no I love." I smiled "great now lemme get the food and blanket ."

"Wait you already had this planned out?" I asked suspicious "yeah I was gonna bring you right after school." he blushed "aww Justin!" I hugged him "thank you." I pecked his check "no need ." he grabbed the food and I carried the blanket we set everything up on top of a hill and started eating and chatting " oh my god I feel like this is the part were the axe murder comes out and kills us." I laughed "well it is." he stood up and started chasing after me "you'll never get me!!!" I ran from him "gotcha." he wrapped his arms around my waist and sprung me around and I laughed he finally put me down and looked into my eyes "well let's go watch the stars." I broke the awkwardness "uh yeah." he scratched the back of his neck


The sky was beautiful it was so peaceful "you know your laugh is adorable." Justin broke the silence "haha I sound like a hyena." I laughed "not even ." he chuckled "do you trust me." he blurted out "yeah I guess so."

"Good cause I wanna show you some thing." he stood up

I followed him hopping this like a cheesy horror movie were the guy throughs the girl of the cliff ..I watch to many horror movies.

He finally stopped and we were at the end of a cliff of shit I was right! "look" he motioned but I was scared to look I'm not the biggest fan of heights if you know what I mean

I finally got the courage to look up it was beautiful I could see the whole city "I come here when I need to clear my mind your the only person that knows this other than me obviously." he chuckled "aww I'm honored." I blushed " (yn) I know I've been a huge dick to you but I'm really sorry I know I can't take back what I did to you but I really like you would you I mean like do you wanna be my girlfriend ? I understand if you say no though."

I stood there wordless half of me wanted me to jump of that cliff but the other part of me just told me to stay

"Justin I-............"


I'm so evil .. cliff hanger

Qotd -What do you want her to say? But why?

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