22.The Waves-2

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At the Gate Kitsuke POV

I arrived at the gate to get scolded by Sakura for being late , I glared at her unleashing some KI as she fell on her knees sweating and breathing hard

"Is it always like that ?" Tazuna asked looking at Sasuke

"Hn!" Sasuke replied "he means most of the time " I replied as Kakashi appeared behind me

"I finally found you , I've been searching everywhere for you kitsuke" He said as I sigh "not really everywhere since I'm here "

Everyone deadpanned before we left

On the way Sakura was talking with Tazuna and asking Kakashi about ninja I was walking in front with Sasuke beside me and Naruto behind

"Aren't there any ninja in the wave ?" Sakura asked to Kakashi

"No Sakura you see the ninja world is divided into multiple country in which the five great Country are found, ours the fire country the nearest is the wind country with Suna as main village after the water country of Kiri the lightning country of kumo and the earth country of Iwa the other ninja village are just lower level village " Kakashi explained to which Sakura nodded

Leaving their discussion I noticed a puddle in the middle of the road and rolled my eyes as I skipped it looking into Kakashi's eyes he nodded slightly

After all of us passed the puddle two nuke-nin of Kiri I saw in the bingo book wrapped kakashi in chains and beheaded him , Sakura looked like she was gonna puke as Sasuke took a kunai from his pouch as I took my Katana as it went off with white lightning Chakra

"Sasuke! Sakura protect Tazuna !" I said before seeing Naruto froze as one of the Kiri ran at him with claws intending to kill him "Naruto withdraw !"

Only then I saw it in his eyes he was afraid

Not taking time to think I dashed at Naruto barely saving him from the claws as a small gash was made in his hand, leaving him next to Sakura before glaring at the Kiri nin "you touch one of my teammates you die " I snarled as I appeared behind him and reappear beside Naruto as the Kiri nin head fell off

"You killed my brother !" The other ninja said before taking a kunai his eyes full of hatred " I'll kill you "

I rolled my eyes as my senryugan activated "Genjutsu " I muttered

As the nuke-nin fell under my control Kakashi then shunshined beside me spooking the hell out of Sakura Tazuna and Naruto "Good work everyone you worked perfectly"

Sasuke then approached Naruto and mocked him " What's up Scaredy cat wanna go back home " Naruto glared at the ground as before taking a kunai from his pouch and plunge it in his wounded hand

"I've been training so hard to become a ninja I trained till exhaustion and kept training so I vow on my own blood that I'll make it up until I become an hokage I won't die or lose to anyone !"

I eye smiled looking at Naruto "Wait Naruto I like your guts and all but his claws were poisoned and you plunge a kunai in it the you might die from blood loss " I said still smiling as he freaked out only for Kakashi to help him as everyone sweatdrop at the blonde

I then turned towards the Kiri ninja my eyes boring through him "What are you doing here ? Who hired you ?"

The Kiri nuke-nin looked at me "Gato hired us to kill the bridge builder 'coz he don't want a bridge to be built as it'll wreck its business " he said before I made him pass out

"The disposal team will be here soon but Tazuna why didn't you tell us there'll be A-rank criminal this mission is already B class already nearing the A class " Kakashi said "our team isn't there for These kind of mission but nevertheless I'll let my students decide if we stay yes or no " Kakashi said looking at us while Tazuna looked down ashamed

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