4.Konohagakure no sato

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Kitsuke POV

I had finally reached Konoha at the gateway I showed a signed pass that tosan(less formal way to say father) had sent me a few days ago after passing the gate I was tackled in a strong hug by a white blur  looking at who it was I smiled since I recognize my BF

"So Senju seem like you missed me alot ," I said mischievously

"Not at all ,"Tsunari replied embarassed

"Then why are you on me like that ,"I replied pointing at how she was seated on me ,as if realizing her position she turned Apple red

"one thing sure you're still the best at getting blushing face," I laughed as she got off me

"So suke san you forgot to say Hi to me?," Asked Shizune

"onee chan !,"I shouted hugging her

"You grew stronger,taller and more handsome," saying the last part really slowly I don't know why and Tsunari was blushing

"Where's Tosan ?I thought he'd come to see me atleast," I muttered dissapointed "He's only right there ,"replied Shizune pointing at the jonin on the wall next to the gate he was reading his questionable book he didn't even see me so much absorbed in his book.

"So much for a model father," I thought as I walked over to him snatched his book from his hands

"HEY!,"he shouted "You can't even say hello to your own blood good then," grow an evil smile I burned up the book using my lava abilities "I don't need a pervert father so I'll make sure that all your Icha Icha Paradise books get…," I let the ash remains of the book fall on the ground

"W...why me !?"muttered Kakashi with anime tear

"Hey Kitsuke let go I need to show you all about Konoha and present you to my friends, " said Tsunari

"Ok but wait while I keep my things...Tosan where will I live ,?" I asked

Kakashi was trying to pick up all the ash remains of his book "With me ,"he said without looking at me earning a glare from Shizune sighing he stood up

"Ok Kitsuke come I'll show you the house "said kakashi using the Konoha Shunshin

"Hai !" I smiled before Shunshing with him

At the Hatake apartment

"We've reached it ,"said Otousan as he opened the door I directly ran into the house "Where will I sleep ?" Leading me toward a closed room with a medium sized bed , a large curtain and everything else needed in a bedroom "You can sleep here " Otousan said "I've got things to prepare as the Genin exam will start beside you have to go see the Sandaime he wanna have a talk with you" he said as he left
Taking all my things out from my bag I made something fall from it under my bed "Great!" Crouching down I tried to grab it taking it from under the bed I noticed it was the chakra rice paper Bee Sensei had given me a year ago thinking back at that time I subconsciously rubbed Hachibi and Nibi seal then taking the rice paper I checked it out "How does it work again ? It can define what is one element affinities right ?,cut in two for air, ignite and turned into ash for fire,get damp for water ,turn into dust for earth and crumple for lightning . I already know I have three element affinities:Fire,Water and Earth but what if ?" Sending a thin layer of Chakra into it, it cutted into  four piece one got damp, another turned into dust another ignited and the last one crumpled
"Wow you have all the elements affinities !" A female voice cried
"Senju what 're you doing here ?"
"Came to take you forgot Lava prince!"she replied "but to the most important you have ALL the elemental affinities the only one in the whole ninja world to contain so much "
"How do you know about it ?"
"I already tried it four affinities except fire "
"Please Senju promise me you won't tell anyone "
"I promise over your head ! Now come Jiji san is getting impatient "
"Ohhh ! Almost forgot "
"You're only 14 and you already have memory problems" scoffed Tsunari as she jumped on the roof
"Wait ! "I replied sheathing my swords before following her
Sarutobi POV
"Loads, loads and again loads of paperwork to fill now I remember why I retired "I thought before hearing a knock at the door "Enter"
Two kids came in, my subordinate granddaughter Tsunari and the Minor version of kakashi Kitsuke
"Hi Jiji still under paperwork" greeted Tsunari
"Hi Hokage sama" said Kitsuke with a bow the boy seem a little preoccupied
"Nono call me Jiji you was born  before my eyes so you're like my grandson "I replied with a smile
"Hai Jiji san"he replied less preoccupied"so Jiji what did you call us for?" Ask Tsunari
"Oh yes, first Kitsuke you must know that Tsunari is a Senju you must already know why "
"Yes Jiji you can count on me but I think there's more to why you called me" Kitsuke responded
"Clever boy yes I also wanted to know if you were gonna sign up for the Genin exam ?"
"Yes if I didn't do I'll be mad !"
Grinning at him I let them go out
Kitsuke POV
As we were going out a guy with whiskers and blue eyes and spikey yellow hairwas going in passed by as we pass each other I felt something strange and couldn't help but glance at him and realized he did the same directly we each turned our gaze forward escaping visual contact
"What was that?" Before I could think further Tsunari called me
"Hey Lava prince why don't we go to see some of my friends ?"
"Won't they see I'm kakashi's son ?"
"Not at all you may be looking like him but there are still several difference between you, so let see where they can be " she assured me with a smile before dashing out through the window "come!"
"That sure is Tsunari" I said myself before dashing after her
3rd person POV
Kitsuke had been following Tsunari up on the roof of the village when they reached a Ramen shop there Kitsuke's stomach growled with hunger making Tsunari laugh
"Hey! I ate nothing since I came " he yelled
"So let eat here and I'll show you a friend of mine working here " she replied with the same smile Tsunade use before beating Jiraiya
Entering the shop Kitsuke was shocked to find the same young guy from the Hokage office eating noodles with a young chunin or jonin with a scar on his nose
"Hi Ayame !" Shouted Tsunari
"Hey Tsunari what's up ?"replied a young girl with brown hair and black eyes
"Nothing just wanted to present you to a friend of mine Ayame, Kitsuke.kitsuke, Ayame "
"Pleased to meet you " followed Kitsuke with the same smile his father usually use
"H..h..h..hi! Kitsuke san " replied Ayame with a small blushing and anyone could see Tsunari grin getting bigger
"Ok I understood Senju you use me to impress your friends !" Kitsuke thought"Ayame chan can I have noodles with red bean and sushi for us both and let it be extra spicy"he asked politely even if Mei didn't want him to be a girl charmer she couldn't let him be a impolite boy so with any girls (except Tsunari) he had to be polite and respectful
"Hai ! "Ayame replied running to prepare his order
"Hey Sen... oups Sorry Tsunari who is this boy there ?!" Kitsuke asked
"Him! He's Naruto Uzumaki the Ky..oups I shouldn't tell that it forbidden to talk of it !" She replied without looking at him
"Uzumaki you mean Uzumaki like the fourth and Kushina's son" gasped Kitsuke looking at him with intrigued eyes
"Yeah but don't get too excited he isn't strong enough right now"
"Here your order " replied a mid senior man with two bowl in his hands
"Thanks you Teuchi san " replied Tsunari
"Ohhh it's nothing but who'll pay " he asked with dollars shaped eye
"Keep it on Iruka san bill tell him it was for Tsunari and a friend " she replied eating her noodles energically but Kitsuke finished his in one gulp when the duo finished Tsunari suggested that they go to a shop to find Shoku new clothes saying his were too old fashion
"I don't need fancy clothes "
Tsunari send him a 70 level glare as she unleash some killing intent  which took a devil form over her
"Ok let find me some clothes" he sighed
In a Clothing store
"No no no I'll never wear that "
"Why?" Pleaded Tsunari holding a golden coat with fire red pattern
"Too flashy" running around the store he come back a second later holding various clothes and coats of colour red,white,blue or silver "THIS are better !"
"Ok it's your choice atleast in this store nothing is too bad but it is not showing your handsome part as I wished
"I don't need to be remarked" looking around then lowering his voice"when everyone will know that I'm the Konoha Kame Shinobi and you the  Great Medical Ninja's daughter it'll be easier to be seen "
"Ok ok let pay "
After the shop Kitsuke had left his things at his house then the duo wandered around the village when passing next to a blacksmith shop the door opened before them almost smashing Kitsuke's face
"Hey be carefu....Tenten ?"
"Oh Tsunari sorry for the door, but who are you with" replied the young female
"He's Kitsuke "
"Are you dating ?" She replied with a smirk
"Damn you No!" Shouted Tsunari
"Hey Tenten what's up ?" Replied a young boy with black hair and almost white eyes
"Neji , Tsunari and kitsuke" Tenten presented
"Hum " muttered Neji narrowing his eyes on Kitsuke " Fight me!"
"What !?" Asked Kitsuke
"You heard I want to test your skills"
Kitsuke started smirking mischievously which made Tsunari worried as he only smirked like that when he's gonna do something stupid
"Ok but right now !"
"Alright in the training ground " muttered Neji
Kitsuke and Tsunari had shunshin'd at the training ground where Neji ,Tenten, and a bowl haired boy with a green jumpsuit
"So you came "
"I'll not let you boast about having beat me " scoffed Kitsuke
"I'll be the referee " shouted Tsunari
"As you wish "
"Ok! you're ready? GO!"
Doing a fast hand seal Neji activated his Byakugan
"Let start! "
"Going be fun !"
Neji took his taijutsu stance his palm
"That's a battle of taijutsu so show yours " mocked Neji
"Ok!" Said Kitsuke smirking as he placed his right hand in a palm and his left in a fist " this my own Taijutsu the ryuken "
"Kitsuke you're not holding back"
"This is my first fight the one that'll determine if my training was effective" thought Kitsuke
Running at Neji when he was only three meter away he jumped in the air
"Tsunari why isn't he going for a direct attack!?"
"Because....he's like me....he possesses a inhuman strength " Tsunari replied with a smirk
As he was in the air Shoku did two clone
"Heavenly Leg of pain"
Falling at Neji in a triple heel kick  fortunately he had avoided the attack but it was so powerful that a giant crater was formed
"Shut he's strong if he hit me once like that I'm dead" thought Neji then Neji turned around to  find Kitsuke running at him at high speed with his fist ready but before his fist could connect with Neji face ,the hyuga sidestep to then hit him in the guts causing Kitsuke to fall back  but then the boy puffed up into smoke
"Intelligent he kept all his Chakra into his clone to overcome my eyes "
In a random tree Kitsuke was examining the facts he got from his clone
"The Byakugan huh! Every jutsu has its weak spot even you Neji and I'll find it "
Jumping in the vision of the hyuga he did three hand seal
"Taju Kage Bunshin no jutsu"
And a huge wave of Kitsuke appeared around Neji
"You know it won't work fate decided I would win this fight!"
"Shut up !! Now you'll see my real taijutsu strength ryuken: nisshoku rendan"
All his clone took a kunai and ran at Neji attacking from all sides but everytime one reached him he burst into smoke till there was no one left
"Is that your limit?"
"Not at all I finally figured it out !" Replied Kitsuke as he did ten more clone but instead of attacking
They all threw kunai, suriken and senbon needle wave at him
Tenten who was looking at this only shook her head which Tsunari remarked
"What's up?"
"Throwing projectile at him like that won't work I already tried"
"Neji is perfectly strong" said Lee as he did push ups being in awe before the fight between the two he started exercising to fight the winner "not even I can defeat him Tsunari chan"
As predicted Neji threw off the wave of weapons thrown at him only some where able to catch him viewing this Kitsuke made slight calculation in his mind before he shunshin'd on a tree behind Neji
"Yeah I'm right the only weapons that reach him reach him from backward right in the eye blind spot could this blind spot exist also for Hyuga? umm!No jutsu is perfect so let try that"
Taking a senbon needle from his backpack he channelled biju Chakra into it making it sharper and more resistant
"Like that I won't kill him but will also disable him for a minute minimum"
Throwing the senbon with precision it passed right between two flying kunai before reaching it trajectory: The hyuga neck
"What......"falling on his knee "how did you?"
Jumping before him Kitsuke  couldn't help but grin"What find the Byakugan blindspot"
In the Hokage office
"WHAAAATTT THE BYAKUGAN HAS A BLINDSPOT !!!!"both the Hokage and his anbu guardsmen screamed in surprise
The hyuga compound
"HOW DIS A SIMPLE BRAT AS HIM COULD FIND ONE OF THE HYUGA MOST PRECIOUS SECRET" the counsel of the clan cried with wide open mouth
The training ground
"NEJI JUST GOT DEFEATED!" Both  Lee and Tenten shouted while Tsunari just smirked
Neji was on his knee looking disturbed
"How how my fate couldn't be to lose against a random boy who's not even a ninja"
"Fate? You still talk about that you really need to open your eyes  or you'll drown in your own darkness ! You're defeated!"
He said before walking past neji's teammate and Tsunari
"Tsunari I'll see you tomorrow and give Neji this antidote or else he'll become a statue forever " he said throwing a tube containing violet fluid in it he then shunshin'd back home at the same time as his father 
"Oh hi Otousan "
"Hi Kitsuke san"
When they entered Kitsuke directly went in the kitchen to come back a minute later with two plates
"I prepared the dinner before going out all it needed was to be kept on the stove it's my special meal I don't have a name for it right away but taste and tell me what you think about it"
As he kept the plate on the table he uncovered then to present a crispy looking golden coloured fish on a cover of cabbage with a golden brown sauce next to it
"So you cook huh let taste it " taking a bite of the fish and the sauce kakashi ate it after a bit of chewing his eye turned bright from it
"It's excellent Kitsuke! If you decide to retire from the Shinobi life you should surely turn into a five star gastronomic chief"
"Thank Otousan !" The boy replied with a wide smile
"And I heard news you defeated the hyuga Neji you know it isn't a small feat but you also found out the Byakugan blindspot !"
"It was easy to find it through some calculation I found out that the Byakugan sigth was only 359.5% giving enough space to defeat him with a immobilization poisoned Chakra"
"Hum so that's true Kitsuke  " Kakashi thought
"Ok it a little difficult to say but ....." Kitsuke said trembling as he took out a special sand paper from his pouch holding it in his palm
A minute later Kakashi was brought to the hospital due to a heavy headache with a Anxiety disorder
So this is the end of the new chapter
And sorry for updating after so much time

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