10.Team Kakashi: A really crazy family

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Kitsuke POV
I was currently walking up to the training ground with Tsunari by my side we had just finished an argument
"Okay so from now on you'll be with differ team each week "she replied as we reached Ichiraku Ramen shop "hum try not to get all the girls at once "
"Tch!" I replied slightly pushing her "shutup Senju "
I was wearing my jacket with the Senji emblem on the back ,I then said my farewell to Tsunari before going to my rendezvous point with Team Kakashi
On the way I meet Sasuke and we walked together
"So you'll be working with us this whole week ?"
"Yes a whole week " I sigh and then noticed the slight smirk on Sasuke's face "You seem rather happy "
"It just that I'll be resting for something atleast since I do most of the job in our team" he replied as we reached the training ground , Sakura was scolding Naruto for who knows what
I bet it's that pinkhead that'll trouble you the most Nibi said as Sakura turned at Sasuke and me
"Sasuukeee kun you're finally here " she then turned her eyes on me an looked at me up to down "what are you doing here ?" But she didn't care for an answer and immediately started fangirling on Sasuke and squealing making me wince ,I'm sure my ears are bleeding thanks to her "Hey Nibi you're right if I don't kill her in the next five seconds she'll get me damned"I thought as I took out a poisonous needle
Unfortunately before I could do the work my father appeared making a ashamed one eye look "Hey everyone I'm late but if you could see the traffic at the.."
"Lame excuse as always" Egneel replied as he sat on his stomach his head on his sharp tail and his wings taking half of his room
I was distracted and didn't listen to what kakashi said but it seems he was waiting for an answer
"Huh what ?"
"You see I'm not the only one who ain't listening Dattebayo!" Naruto shouted pointing at me
Kakashi and Sasuke sighed
"What I was saying is that we a D rank mission to find the daimyo's wife cat "
"No again " Naruto and Sakura complained
"Let's go " Sasuke commanded giving me a 'you see ' look
Three minutes later
"It ninKa ,ninSas,ninSak,ninNa,ninKi do you get me over !"
"Roger it ninSas in position and ready to launch over! "
"Wait ! I'm nin Sak or Na " *everyone sigh*
"I'm ninSak idiot !you see Sasuke kun I'm better than this Naruto Baka!"
*Everyone except me and Naruto sigh again*
"Hey ninKi where are you ?over "
*No answer*
"KITSUKE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ?!" Sakura shouted in her communication device
"Stop Damn shouting ! I'm here and I've the cat with me " he said as everyone looked at where the 'demon cat' as he's known by all ninja who did that mission and saw him sleeping peacefully in kitsuke's arm purring
"You caught him when ?" Sasuke said surprised
"Huh three minutes ago" I replied as they looked mouth wide opened "we started the search three minutes ago while you were playing with a stupid cat
If I hadn't stopped the concerned cat Sasuke's face would have kissed his claws
After returning the cat to his owner they returned to a restaurant no far ,it was only then that Sakura noticed Naruto's absence unknown to her I had placed her in a genjutsu when they reached the restaurant and then left her ,only at 9 in the night did Sakura realized what I did and I'm telling you she's pretty good on taking revenge since she gave a group of fangirls my location and in less than 4min I was pursued by more than ten girls with a frantic Ino in front ,the speed at which I ran would have made Guy look like a snail
That night at home I decided to make good use of the time I'm gonna pass with all these teams and it'll start tomorrow ,I need konoha to notice how weak it got since the peace
I don't tell peace is a bad thing but as a Sage man said once better prevent than cure
First I need to know the teams strength after I can try to arrange the social and combat problem I'll might remark
I sat on the couch and snatched up my father pervy book and burnt it before his eyes
"How can I have a pervert for father when I hate pervert " I told him as he cried on what's left of his Icha Icha Paradise
"All this is Mei who kept this in you " he said frustrated against my mother "tomorrow I'll prepare the worst exercise just for you !"
I smirk proudly , My father didn't even see how easily I manipulated him , I went in my bedroom and got to sleep
Goodnight everybody
Next day I wake an hour before kakashi ,I had time to clean up the house and prepare our breakfast , when I was about to go bath Kakashi lazily got out of his room
"Hey Kitsuke you did the breakfast ?"
"Yeah " I said as he took a plate of pancakes and tasted the sirup
"Holy shit ! I never tasted something that good !"
"The fruits I used actually comes from Tsunari's garden and the receipt is a full kitsu " I continued giving him a glass of juice
"The sole thing you forgot was my Icha Icha , did you really think I would've forgot " he said with revengeful intent in his eye
Damn I never realized but Kakashi express more emotion with one eye than Sasuke ever could I could hear Egneel say in my mind , shouldering I just got in the washroom
I was to meet up with the others at the forest of death Sakura and Sasuke were at the gate waiting and Sasuke seem ready to snap Sakura head in half
"Hey Sasuke are you okay ?" I asked with a smirk
"Tch like if with this bloodsucking person "
But Sakura didn't seem to get he was talking of her
"Where's Naruto ?" I asked when I heard a sound of leaf ruffling above me from the tree ,a dark smirk formed on my face
"Crimson release !" After doing quick handseals as blood red fire got my hands and I burnt down a branch making Naruto fall on his ass
"Ouch ! How did ya find me !"he groaned removing the dirth from his clothes
"You need to learn how to be stealthy " I replied before disappearing without sound and appearing behind Naruto a kunai on his neck "just like that !" I whispered to the frozen Naruto who didn't want to move of fear of losing his dear life
"Stop it!" Kakashi ordered me from behind
"Tch "
"Hey Kakashi sensei what's the training today ?" Sasuke asked from a tree
"Today I'm the one who's gonna give you an exercise !" I muttered sadistically
"What!" Naruto and Sasuke shouted
"Huh Kitsuke you know I like you huh?!"
"No Sakura you'll also participate"
"Kakashi sensei !" She complained
"He got the Hokage accord I've no choice on this one "
"So what have you prepared for us Kitsuke?" Sasuke sigh already regretting his question
"Happy you asked" I whispered with a dark smirk as a dense mist elevated all over the area
Kakashi went on a defensive stance , Naruto and Sakura seem slightly terrified while Sasuke had all his sense on alert
"I want to see your potential ! So I'll fight the three of you Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura !"
3rd person POV
Sasuke grabbed Sakura and Naruto and jumped up on a distinct tree
"Ohhh I can still feel Sasuke's hand on mine !" Sakura thought
"Hey Sakura back to Earth !"Sasuke whispered"You heard Kitsuke , he's going to fight all of us so we need all the concentration on this one understood Naruto !" Sasuke said referring to the fact that Naruto was absent-minded "This is just like the exercise Kakashi gave us on the first day "
"So ?"
"You dumbass ! Don't you remember last time Kakashi literally kicked our butts so this time we won't do the same errors!" Sakura said hitting Naruto on the head
"That's as well for both of us Sakura you didn't do better anyway " Sasuke remarked"even through it pains me to say that we'll have to work together to gain the upper hand " He said passing Naruto a kunai
"We'll fight together in close combat with Kitsuke" turning to Sakura "since you have the least ability in taijutsu you'll prepare a trap field so that we catch him in case he overcome us okay ?"
"Yes !"the blonde and pinkhead genin replied
Kitsuke was collecting chakra with Kakashi at his side "so what's the purpose of this training ?" His father asked
"Just to see what they're capable of and try to make them stronger "
"Humm , don't get too far they're still much inexperienced !"
"We'll see!"
Just then two giant surikens flew in his way he easily avoided them but only then did he notice that ninja wire were attached to them
"Multi-Shadow clone jutsu!"
Twenty Naruto's fell on him ready to charge him with punch and kicks but
"Naruto I don't think I ever fought you let see how you do !" After doing slowly his handseals as Naruto stupidly stared at them
"Explosion release: 7 days of destruction!" Just when three clone had kicked him seven blue sphere swirled around him catching all the clones in it before making a large explosion
"Wow " Naruto said in awe from where he was
"Okay !" Sasuke said as surprised as Naruto
"Now my turn!" Doing a single handed seal and another with his free hand
"Ka-Rai-Futon: Dragon breath " jumping on a branch behind the boys he breathed out a giant fire ball stronger and faster thanks to the wind and lightning enchance
Sasuke and Naruto had just enough time to Jump out of the trajectory
"He's strong''
"And fast"
"Okay let counter !" Sasuke said starting to enjoy the fight
"Chichi Rendan !" He roared taking Kitsuke by surprise from the back and giving him multiple spinning kicks sending him flying up
"Katon: Lotus Fireballs no jutsu!" Rapidly doing handseals and sending five small fireballs similar to a lotus at the stunned Kitsuke
"That's it Sasuke!" Naruto encouraged
Before they could celebrate Kitsuke got back on his feet laughing sadistically
"Didn't you know that Kitsuke is invulnerable to fire jutsu " Kakashi said from his hiding
"That's a big disadvantages to us" Sasuke thought ,the Uchiha main jutsu were fire style jutsu
"Supra Multi-Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto shouted when he saw Kitsuke running at them
"Naruto won't last like that I need to find a way to help him !"
Kitsuke and Naruto's clone had gone off leaving Sasuke to collect chakra
Not long after did Sasuke hear a large shout of pain "Naruto !"
Sasuke could not believe his eyes Naruto was cloaked in red Chakra and was attacking Kitsuke with a frightening rage
A moment ago
Kitsuke was now surrounding by all of Naruto's clone he couldn't use his explosion jutsu twice without earning critical damages
"It over kitsuke I will defeat you !"
"Huh Naruto ?" "What!"
"Isn't your dream to be the greatest Hokage ever !"
"Yes ! And I'll achieve it !" He replied as his clone went on attack stance
"Great like that we'll see which of us will be the greatest Kage of his time !!" Kitsuke said as his senryugan came to life
"1st Scroll Jutsu, Heavenly rotating palm !" White Chakra escaped my palm and started turning on myself copying Neji's jutsu through in his own form ,in half a second a fast spinning dome of Chakra got all of his clones ,He then rapidly shunshin'd behind Naruto but this one was ready this time and tried to block the attack
Feigning an attack on his forehead he rapidly hit Naruto on the stomach catching him offguard
Nooon! Kitsuke don't
But it was already to late Naruto was on his knee
"What guys!" He whispered to his Biju friends
"Kitsuke did you just check where you hit the Kyubi Jinchuriki ?"
Looking at Naruto He noticed a seal forming on his stomach it seems weakened
"Wait did I just?" He thought disturbed
"Grrr !Grrrrr ! KIT-SUKEEEEE!!" Naruto groaned as a well known red Chakra surrounded him taking a fox form as two tails formed , Naruto whiskers were now more apparent and his usually blue eyes were now red and full of fury
"Kitsuke grrr we can now see which of us is the strongest Kage to be !" He roared on four feet
Kitsuke was about to start a sealing jutsu Naruto's tail hit him hard and sent him into a tree
"So that's a Kyubi's Jinchuriki real power !"
It was then that Sasuke appeared on the tree on which Kitsuke rested
"Alright Naruto !" A seal made its way on kitsuke's stomach doing a release seal "Kai !" He shouted as the seal weakened
"Damn brat are you stupid you know the effect of our Chakra merged !!" Egneel roared
"If I go too far I know that kakashi,you, Hachibi and Nibi will stop me !" He replied smiling at him as a different red Chakra surrounded him taking a cat form and two tails formed as his dojutsu went wild
They then went into one another much to Sasuke's surprise as well as Sakura who soon followed him to see that the ninja they thought inferior to them with so much strength they'd hardly survive (especially Sakura, ps : sorry if you're a Sakura fan but we all know that Sakura was a useless ninja when they were young)
Naruto then performed multiple clones in kyubi cloak before sending a barrage of attacks on Kitsuke who was unable to avoid all of them in time and was sent flying
"Grrr Naruto is much stronger now than ever I don't think I can win if I still hold back "
Just then a new voice sounded in his mind
It won't be enough if you wish to win you need to let me take on
A dark feeling made it way in kitsuke's mind advising him to fully release the Dragon seal , Kitsuke knew that it wasn't Egneel since that one told him that no matter what he should never release it until he was ready not going into the details
That feeling was urging him to do so slightly turning him berserk he then saw it , it looked like him the same face appearance and aura yet his was full of bloodlust
Do it what are you waiting for
Just when Kitsuke was about to release the seal Naruto kicked him in the jaw shaking him off from his thoughts
"So that's the effects of the Senji Chakra art , Egneel was right it's too dangerous " right when he was sealing back the Chakra
Even if you seal it you plunged deep enough for me to stay with you forever so why not give up
"Kai!" Kitsuke shouted finally completing the seal the strange voice had weakened and was feeble almost inaudible unknown to him when he had sealed his own Chakra he accidentally did the same to Naruto's suppressing the kyubi
"So let call it a break huh ?" Kakashi said seemingly in deep thoughts maybe he noticed the seal on Kitsuke
"Damn !" The young boy thought
"So to me you did really good through not everyone's part was done "
"How do you want me to make Kitsuke come to Sakura when he's in a fierce fight with Naruto" Sasuke asked angrily "how can Naruto be that strong? Why Tsunari, Naruto and Kitsuke they're all growing at a fast pace while me I'm still .....too weak!!"
"Okay I dimiss you all for today after such a rude day you'll need some rest " as the boys were leaving Kakashi called Sakura
"Sakura you saw Naruto and Kitsuke fight right ?"
"With the strange Chakra ,yes !"
"Promise me you'll never talk of it unless I , Kitsuke or the Hokage's accord alright ?"
"Yes kakashi sensei !"
Kitsuke was deep in thought
"Hey Egneel ?" "Huh !"
"What would happen if I ever released the seal before the time ?"
"Huh okay I think you better know ......If the seal was ever to be released then you'd release a strong amount of dark Chakra, which is a special type of enzymes the Senji blood contains it urge it user to shred the blood of everyone in his way even if it's the person you like the most it lead to sorrow, dispair and guilt through you'd reach a godlike power you'd suffer much more than gain unless you reaches the level that your predecessor gained and won't be controlled by it "
"So I should never release it or it will cost me much more than I can supply" he said grimly he knows that he cannot let these new impulse control him
Just then Ino grabbed his arm "how are you Kitsuke kun ?"
"Hi Ino , rather okay through it could be better" he said whispering the last part
"Hey Ino why don't we go to the cine I'm not in a good mood and maybe a funny movie will make me feel better "
Ino eyes were sparkling with excitement "Sure !"
Kitsuke smiled at her , Tsunari had left for an anbu mission with Sai and he wasn't allowed to participate in it and since Ino would not leave him that soon why not pass time doing something funny with a friend
"Hey why not this one ?"
"No I already seen it and it ends really bad " Ino and Kitsuke were choosing which movie we were going to see
"Hey Ino look !"
"Wow it's great I always wanted to see it !"
"Alright that's it " he said going to get tickets for the movie
Ino was busy being happy , with Sasuke she 'd never had such a opportunity but Kitsuke was perfect just enough like Sasuke but still gentle enough to make her really smile and he was always ready to help
"Hey Ino you're coming " He said taking her hand as she slowly blushed trying not to act awkward "I'm so lucky!" She thought as they got in
So to be honest I really was really out of ideas for this chapter
So don't forget to vote and comments

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