9. Heir of the lost clan

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Council of Konoha
Sarutobi POV
I sat at my seat as all the council members calmed to listen to me"I assembled the council to talk about the following news of the village " most of them were unaware but I was already sure Danzo was informed by a member of the ROOT
Lighting my cigarette I continued " The lastest report I've received from the Team Yamato specify that kakashi's son may come from an almost forgotten clan of konoha " I had to control myself from smiling since this information will surely shock most of them , the Hyuga leader (I always forget his name) already seem tense with the coming back of the Senju and the fact that Sasuke is still growing in power and the news that Kitsuke defeated the Hyuga prodigy, Neji don't make things easier
"May you tell us now what is it Hokage sama ?" Inoichi said impatiently rather normal since the Yamanaka aren't that patient to me
I breath out a cloud of smoke before continuing " I think most of you must have already heard about the Senji clan ?"
"Senji clan ?!" The Inuzuka leader mentioned
"The Senji clan is the hidden clan that help to build konoha through after konoha was built the Senju and Uchiha tricked them and banished them after which they dissapeared " Shino's father said
"They were mostly known for their dojutsu which surpasses even the Sharingan and Byakugan , the Senryugan if I remember " Inoichi replied earning a slight glare from Hinata's father
"That's right from the information after certain circumstances that wasn't explained kitsuke activated these pupils thus he may be the heir of the Senji" I told them with a smile The clan head like shino,Shika, Ino and Hinata's parent were deep in thought while the rest were discussing on what will happen
"And so what do you wish ?" Danzo said opening his mouth for the first time since the starting of the council , I knew he was already making plans to take on kitsuke
"I've informed Yamato that his team should not assist to any mission until time be it , I think we have to get kitsuke to socialize with the village or he will probably try to take revenge for his clan and since he already have the pupils better have him on our side "
"And what did kakashi say about it ?"
"He isn't disturbed by it but don't try to use this opportunity to use him for your personal use " especially eyeing Danzo who rolled his eyes
"Anything else to say ?" Danzo asked
"Nothing but Danzo I'll need the Senji forbidden scroll for Kitsuke by today "I replied before dismissing the council
Kitsuke POV
I came out of the Hokage's office with Yamato san behind me they had informed me that I would not perform any mission for a moment it really irked me
"Kitsuke I can understand that you upset but .."
"Leave me alone!" I shouted angrily as I stepped out of the mansion
Outside the sound of children playing and the calm scene of konoha calmed me down I walked up towards the previous hokage's face and sat on Ashirama's head he was the closest friend of my clan
The village seem so beautiful from here , I opened my backpack and took out a jacket Hiruzen gave me he said it was one of the few things they have of the Senji ,it had a long collar which took my whole neck it was as blue as my iris and on the back were six tomoe with the kanji of the six paths and the kanji crimson in the middle
I removed the coat I was wearing right now and kept on this one.
I also had many jutsu scroll but I would learn it later ,as I was about to leave I felt a presence neither unknown nor dangerous , I stealthily walked up to it it was Naruto he didn't seem as joyful as always maybe I'm not the only one to who bad thing happens
"Hey Naruto what's up ?" I decided to show myself as I sat on Minato's head I knew he liked to come here often and to admit me too
"Nothing I'm alright" he said wiping a tear "but what are you doing here ?"
"Oh! Just thinking I didn't get much of a happy day " I replied starting to make figures with my chakra
"Huh I heard about your clan things,I'm happy for you " Naruto said trying to cheer me up
"Don't be ,I'm not even sure if it's good or bad news " I said as we looked up at the sun and moon it was the only moment of the day when you can see both and it's miraculously beautiful "Hey I've got an idea why don't we prank a little to bring back some happiness " Naruto requested, I thought for a moment what bad could happen and I didn't prank much when I came to konoha as I do "okay !"
First we decided to give a visit to the Hokage ,I easily kept all of the Anbu guardsmen on a genjutsu with my senryugan and then we reached the Hokage's office some voice could be heard as I breath out a cold dense blood mist the voice immediately stopped ,I silently opened the door we knew they had sense us Naruto and I silently performed a total of twenty clone ten each before I dissiped the mist with a small Rasengan as we performed
"SEXY JUTSU !!" We shouted before changing into naked female version of ourselves with a swirl of cloud hiding the intimate part
It was only then that we realized that the room was full of Sensei of the Genin teams only Kurenai san was still awake but covered with blood by her nosebleeding partners
"It dangerous " Naruto muttered from the look Kurenai gave us
"Talk for you !" I whispered since I had my Anbu mask on , doing six fast seal I removed my mask and caught her in a genjutsu that erased her memory of that moment "Now come before any of them wakes up " I muttered jumping from the Hokage mansion's balcony
Since the Hokage was already unconscious I projected a genjutsu on everyone in the village , it was a real havoc (in the genjutsu or else they'd make me reconstruct all by myself )
The next day was Friday , I had been invited by Tsunari to their house Shizune had gone off to the hospital to help on serious disease or accidents
We were training on Chakra control exercise Shizune gave us
"I finished it six times faster than you !" Tsunari mocked sticking her tongue out
"Are you sure Senju ?" I said raising an eyebrow as my senryugan came to life and broke a genjutsu Shizune had placed on us "The real purpose of this mission was to improve our sensory skills , I noticed that from the beginning but wanted to see if you could do it " I said before taking out a kunai "and I'm deceived to see that you didn't even ....." "Notice Yamato san I did for your govern Senji but waited for you to break it down " she interrupted me with a smile took my kunai and threw it where Yamato was hiding, he caught it since his we already noticed him and sincerely he didn't seem pleased that we found him so easily "Seem like I'm growing old " he sigh as he walked toward us
"But now let go to the essential "
"So if I understood all, you mean that I can go back on mission as long as I socialize with the other Genin teams ?" I replied lacking trust on what Yamato said
"Yes as long as you pass a week with each of the Genin teams and befriend with them " he replied smiling
Thinking about it for a moment I accepted " Good now write here a list of the teams you'd like to be with each of these weeks
I took it and easily wrote
1st week. Team Kakashi
2nd week. Team Asuma
3rd week. Team Kurenai
4th week. Team Guy
4th weekend. Provide a surprise if everything goes well during the four weeks
And then returned it to Yamato who shunshin'd directly
"Man you got yourself in shit "Tsunari said
"I bet it'll go well "
"From when did you get optimist okay I bet you won't survive the second week and after it " she said as we Shaked hands "it's a bet " I concluded
That's it now Kitsuke and Tsunari got this bet on I hoped you liked and if you wanna bet with team Tsunari or Kitsuke tell ,the following chapter will show how the things passed
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If you commented and I didn't reply sorry I'm rather busy and even updating is difficult when you've so many things passing through your mind and I just finished my exams so it's normal I wasn't updating

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