1.Mei and Kakashi

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*********Wave Country*********
The infamous Copy-cat nin Kakashi Hatake was relaxing in a hotel while reading an Icha Icha Paradise's book after a while he glanced at the clock to verify if he was time to go

'' the yondaime sure know how to get me some mission*sigh*whatever I better prepare if I wanna be late ,''

***********Flashback **********

Having entered the Hokage's office a silver haired jounin walked over to the Yondaime Hokage Namikaze Minato a blonde man with blue eyes and tanned skin

''Hokage-Sama have you summoned me? ,'' the Hokage turned towards his old student with a smile

''Yes, Kakashi I need you for an A rank mission from the wave Daimyo you'll be assigned with a ninja ,you are to go to the wave country all the details will be given to you there,'' said the yondaime

''Sorry Hokage sama but do you know who I'll be assigned with ?, '' asked the silver haired nin

''No,the daimyo was asked to keep the ninja indentity secret still a little description had been given here are the details destroy the scroll after use,'' replied Namikaze Hokage while giving Kakashi a white scroll with the leaf official seal

''ok! Hokage sama,'' replied the leaf Ninja before shunshining away leaving a grinning Hokage whose smile immediately disappeared when he turned towards the huge amount of paperwork he had to read and sign.

********End Flashback*********

Later that night Kakashi had reached their rendezvous point  when he entered he started scanning the area for his assigned team-mates when his eyes locked on a corresponding woman staring at him  he then came and sat at the table behind her's the woman looked to be around his age or younger she had the same appearance as the description

''Are you sure no one followed you?," Kakashi whispered looking into his book making it look as if he was reading

"No ,and for you ?," The woman replied looking around for spies or eaverdroping person

"I took my precautions ," he whispered softly through his mask "now may I know the what about of the mission ?"

"Not here it's a public place , dragon fountain, " the brunette replied rising and walk out

"Great for a first contact," kakashi thought taking his leave

Just a while later

Kakashi had just reached the Dragon Fountain when he noticed a weak genjutsu I did the release sign and the surrounding seemed to break as glass only then did I notice the brunette from before sitting by the fountain the water was sparkling in the dark like little stars the Dragon Fountain was white while the Dragon statue seem to be of silver

Kakashi then scoffed to get her attention

"Ohhh you got here and you passed through my genjutsu," she said surprised

"Really ?" Kakashi said raising an eye " the genjutsu you casted was barely working a real piece of $#¡T !," He said without sympathy

"A real gentleman !," Brunette thought

"Ok back to business, I know atleast some things of you so it would be fair to let you know about me," she said before taking a breath " my name is Mei Terumi "

"Is that all?,
" Kakashi asked she nodded leaving him sweatdrop

"What did you wanna know?" She asked as he sat

"Why did you want your ID to be kept confidential ?"

"You must know of the bloody mist ?," Kakashi nodded "I'm originally from there but since the damnass Mizukage ordered to kill Kekkei Genkai user I ran when I was younger this mission is at great cost to me since we're close to there and I'm wanted for rebellion movement"

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