Chapter 16

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//Important announcement at the end. Please read it//

Fatima's POV

"Come on, say cheeeeeese" I nudged Sebastian on the arm before taking a selfie of both of us

"Happy?" He asked in a sarcastic tone

"Yes darling I am very happy, thank you" I replied looking at my phone. The picture was actually nice, he was always goofing around but I never knew it was so hard to get a smile from him

"You do know that I don't smile for pictures right? I need to look serious Incase that picture ends up in the papers"

I rolled my eyes "God, darling, loosen up a little bit. What is wrong with men, thinking that a smile is a sign of weakness? I will never get that"

"Look at that tree over there, the light looks perfect. Come, let's take a picture there" I held his arm with a smile on my face, dragging him with me all the way there. It was a perfect spot for a picture. We could post it on social media, to show people we were on a date

"I never knew you liked pictures this much. Why is it always the ugly ones?" He laughed

I scowled at his comment. What does being ugly has to do with taking pictures? "You know what? Fudge you! I don't want to take a picture with you anymore"

I walked away from him, not wanting anything to do with his rude head anymore. "I am tired of your face and rude comments. It's such a beautiful day for me to waste it with you"

"Come on Fatima, I was playing"

Nope Mister, not today.

"Go to hell Sebastian" I yelled

"Not without Mia Donna" He retorted coming in front of me with his hands in the air "Look, I come in peace, I have a great offer for you. How about we take a picture here look over there, a seat, we can both sit and take a cute picture, sounds good?"

I pushed him on the site and kept walking. I was not going to talk to him, under no circumstances.

"How about we grab food" He proposed from behind me. I stopped in my track, still not facing him


"I know this amazing place, you will love it, and we can grab ice cream when we are done" He offered

"I am not paying"

"That's okay. Remember I offered, so I am paying. Deal?" He asked in a hopeful tone

I took few seconds to think about it and analyze the situation. I am mad at him, but free food. But I do not want to talk to him, but he is getting me food. I don't have to talk to him, plus I will get ice cream

"Deal, but you are still not forgiven just so you know" I glared at him to make sure my message went across

"Wouldn't expect anything less from Fatima Noor Moretti" He smirked

My heart skipped a beat when I heard my full name with his last name. It didn't sound weird at all, it actually sounded... nice. What the hell am I even thinking? "In your dreams Moretti"

"In both of our dreams Noor" He winked at me

"Oh so the player is back?" I rose an eyebrow

He took a step closer, smirking "He never left. But the real question is why do you look worried honey?"

"Careful, we don't want you falling for me now, do we?" I bit my lower lip slowly. His eyes automatically moved there for few seconds before looking at me in the eyes. Gotcha I smiled mentally

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