Chapter 7

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Sebastian's POV

After driving to her house, I got out of the car, walked slowly already imagining the different things running through her mind. I knocked at her door and waited patiently until she opened it and when I tried to go in, with the speech I already planned, she shook her head and put her finger to her lips to shush me. Damn. But then I remembered her mom was discharged, so I just turned around and she followed me after closing the door.

I went straight for the car, it was chilly today for us to be standing out here, her yelling at me while people were trying to sleep, because I already know that was going to happen. I opened the door for her and she sat comfortably on the seat. I went on my side and did the same.

"Do you mind if I drive around?" I asked her when I saw her looking through the window. She didn't answer me. Silent treatment I see, that means it's a yes. If one thing I know about women, everything is better than the silence, because it means that they are planning with the devil and nothing good can come out of it. That is why I am trying to make her talk

I started driving and got mentally ready to be yelled at.

I took a deep breathe "To what do I owe the surprise of seeing your beautiful face tonight ?"

A full minute passed by. I thought I was not going to get an answer when I heard her voice "When were you going to tell me about the article?" No yelling, no screaming, so softly that I thought I imagined it

I looked at her face before looking in front of me again "I can very well assure you I saw it today. I didn't know the paparazzi was going to be there. I mean what are they doing at a hospital for God's sake?"

"I don't know you tell me CEO of Moretti Entreprises" She emphasized on the word CEO, as if she was blaming me for not knowing. It's not like I was out there bragging anyways, have better things to do.

I rose an eyebrow "You never asked me about my job"

I saw her rolling her eyes "Just so you know, I thought you were just a nobody that was lucky enough to have a rich family"

I smirked, knowing the impact of my next words "Just so you know, that nobody you are talking about is your boss now, and he actually earned that wealth you thought was from his family through his sweat and own hard work"

Her expression was p-r-i-c-e-l-e-s-s. Her mouth was wide open as if she just realized something. She gulped before turning her face slowly towards me, opening her mouth and closing it, before finally deciding to voice out her thoughts "That is actually very true, you, you are my boss now. Oh my God, what did I get myself into? Wait can I quit?"

I suddenly pressed on the brake making both of us jolt forward "What? Quit? Why?"

"I mean, you hate me, I hate you, why would you want to work with me?" She scrunched her cute little nose

"You are right about the hate part, but didn't you confirm with Mia that you accepted the position? But if you don't want it, there are a lot of other candidates that are dying for that position" I told her, trying my best to sound nonchalant, to hide the fact that she does not want to work with me actually hurt my pride.

"No, yes, I mean on second thought, I don't want to quit, it's a pleasure to work for you Mr. Moretti" I can't believe she actually used her customer service voice on me. ME.

"Please don't use that tone with me, even better when I am about to make this proposition to you"

She looked at me curiously "What proposition?"

"I want you to be my girlfriend. What do you say?"

"Uhm Sir, I don't do dating, I mean even if I did, you would not be the first one on the list, I mean did you see Idris Elba, or Chris Hemsworth, or Liam even though he is taken by the witch Miley?" Why was she mentally drooling?

"They all are too old for you Tima" I replied with a disgusted face

"Sebastian, Some of us are into older men okay?"

"Let me rephrase my sentence, what do you think about becoming my fake girlfriend? Girlfriend just on paper and by name? The scandal is already out there, people are already waiting for you to show your face?"

She was now staring at me with her deep brown eyes "And why would I do that?"

"Because it will be a contract, a really good one for you. You will play my fake girlfriend for the world, in return of a million pound"

"Are you crazy?"

"No I am not, we both know it's a good deal"

"Hell to the no" she yelled. Why was she yelling?

"A million pounds"

"Stop the car, please, now" she ordered me, and I did that but made sure the door was still locked , and could only be unlocked from my side

"Fine. 2 millions pounds, that's worth more than 2 million dollars, and you will also have access to other privileges"

"The door, please" she gritted her teeth. Her face is completely red now. It looked like smoke was going to come out of her ears anytime.

I slowly opened the door and she got out as if the seat was burning her. I saw her taking a deep breathe, then two, then three. Her face was completely flushed from anger and maybe cold? It was really chilly today. I opened the door too and went next to her. I offered her my jacket and the look she gave made me reconsider my act. Well if she prefers to freeze, that's her choice, but I can not present a frozen girlfriend to my mom.

"Come on Fatima, help me" I pleaded with my eyes. She looked at me like I was crazy

"Look, you can think about this in terms of helping each other, as friends. Hell, I'll even have the contract ready by tomorrow"

"You don't get it, do you Sebastian?" She took a pause, licked her lips before continuing "That's exactly the problem. It's like you are trying to buy me with money. I am not a product for God's sake" she finally yelled

I still don't understand what I did wrong, I just offered her a good amount of money, my services, to hangout with me and a lot of other benefits. She thinks she is not a product, but technically, she is a product of her mom and dad, a hot product at that, but I decided to keep that last part to myself.

"It's no different than a regular job. Can you at least think about it? For me? I need you Fatima." when I said that, her eyes softened before hardening again

"Take me home, please" she said softly

Her voice took me by surprise , so I did just that. I took her home, and once she was in front of her house she jumped out of the car. I guess I deserved that, or not. I don't see anything wrong, but judging from her expression, I was maybe out of line. I don't even know why I am bothering her with this. The media haven't seen her face, I could find someone with the same hair color as her, with less attitude and it was gonna work. But for some reason, I want it to be her. I mean she hates me and I don't like her that much either, so this will be really easy, right? Or so I thought. I also want to help her. I know she needs the money for her mother's exams and treatment, but I also know she won't accept the money just like that from me, even though I already consider her family, that's why I made it look like a job, so she would feel like she deserved it, because I know she will put that money to use more than me. I hope she can finally see it like that, but judging from her reaction, it's a lost case.

I run my fingers through my brown hair , already feeling the frustration. What the hell was I doing? Whatever it is, is it even worth it? Those were the thoughts that haunted me for the rest of the night.


Hey peeps,

Another one.

Until next time ❤️,



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