Chapter 3

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Fatima's POV

"You really scared me mama. How are you feeling?" I ask my mom finally after she opened her eyes. We were still in the hospital and I was sitting next to her, playing with her fingers

"I am okay sweetie, I was probably tired, coming all the way to the hospital and being plugged to all of these machines was not necessary" She replied, starting to cough right after

"No, no don't talk. Here drink some water" I rush to take the glass and helping her  take a sip. She looks at me and smiles

"I am okay" she squeezed my hands. In return, I smile, letting the tears fall freely. I was so worried

"Hey, don't cry sweetie. Or else I am going to start crying" she started pouting. I didn't get to say anything when we both turn our heads to see who was knocking.

"Hey Mama, you scared me" said a worried Yasmin, going straight to hug her

"C-can't br-breathe" she managed to say

"You really wanna kill mama?" I asked faking shock, and we all started laughing

"Hey" said Malik, while scratching the back of his head.

"Come here idiot. Haven't seen you in forever" I pulled him in for a hug. He is Yasmin's husband. Yasmin is like my sister, which makes him family.

"I missed you too Tima bear" He laughs

"I told you not to call me that Malik Monkey" I glared at him, finally letting him go

"Hello Tima bear" said another person next to him. I turn around, look at him from head to toes

"Sebastian" I roll my eyes. He is so annoying

"Yup all me" he makes a 360 degree turn and wink at me with a smirk like those people in the ads. So childish. Can you believe this man is over 20? Nope

"Whatever" I ignore him and go sit down next to mama. They both come and say hi to her politely. She hugs them and hit them on the head. I don't really know why.

"You look like a hot mess" remarks Sebastian after a while

I turn to look at him "Geez thanks, haven't noticed"

"Hey, he is right though" added Malik scratching the back of his head again

I turn to look at Yasmin, raising my eyebrow while waiting for her answer. Is she going to attack me too or defend me? Hum I wonder

"But look at the bright side, they both just low key called you hot, you know" she winked at me

I turn to look at them. A Malik turning a little shade of pink, he is so easy to tease. And Sebastian, with his signature grin

"No- no that's not what I meant. It's like calling Swa hot" he made a disgusted face. Swa is his little sister who is always traveling and modeling. She is the computer science genius in the family, and is definitely crazy. So basically he just called me his sister

"Hey change that disgusted face, I don't look that bad and you know it" I reply feigning hurt

"That's true" whistled Sebastian, at this, he was sitting too close to my mom, she slaps the back of his head, again

"That's my daughter I remind you. Why don't you marry her? Then you can make all these weird comments" A really light shade of pink started appearing on his face and he hid it with a smile

"We wouldn't survive even one night" I said a little too quickly

"A night huh" smirks Yasmin. Knowing her, it's no surprise what was going on in her head right now. She is wondering why I said night and not day, and for sure I am not going to follow her thread of thoughts

"Anyways" I clear my thoughts "I'll go talk to the doctor and see what the situation is"

"At the same time you can go home and rest a little, I am staying here, and don't you dare say anything different" she gets up and give me a hug, with a face that says you better do what I say. Damn, she really learned that from her husband. Malik is a known rich billionaire who takes care of Qureshi entreprises, even without his father's name, he made himself known, and I guess in that type of business, you gotta master the poker face and that whole authority thing. She is quickly picking up from him.

"I'll be back soon love" I hug her back, knowing I couldn't say anything else. I give Malik a light tap on his arm. I just love to annoy him

"I'll see you soon Tima" Sebastian said seriously. Wow, he can actually not be a jerk? That's new

I nod my head at him and give mama a kiss "I'll be back" she smiles at me and squeeze my hand

I quickly get out to change my mind and I didn't have to walk a lot, the doctor was talking to another person. Once he was done, I approached him with a smile

"Hello doctor"

"Hey, Fatima was it?" He asked and I shake my head again "Your mom is stable right now. She can go home this evening after we do more exams, to make sure everything is alright"

"That's great news. You prescribed her some medicine right?"

"Yes I did, you can just pick it up at the pharmacy" he scratched his head before continuing "You know the exams are going to be really expensive and her health insurance does not cover it right? The documents you signed yesterday were about that but I am not sure if you knew that"

I tried to mask my surprise with a smile " Oh really? If her insurance doesn't cover it, I'll just pay it then. You are going to mail me the bill later right ?"

He pushed back his glasses "Yes, you can update your address and contact information with the receptionist this evening when your mom is about to be discharged"

"No problem then. Thank you again doctor" I smile one more time.

He smiles at me again "No need to thank me, it's my job. I have another patient to see right now. I'll see you later"

I stand there and see his retreating form. A hospital bill? Why isn't her insurance covering for it? I will call them once I go back home. I can't afford to have any extra bills to pay

"Need a ride?" Spoke a familiar voice behind me. I slowly turn around, already aware of the owner of the voice


All constructive feedbacks are welcomed


-September 20th, 2018

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