Chapter 4

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No problem then. Thank you again doctor" I smile one more time.

He smiles at me again "No need to thank me, it's my job. I have another patient to see right now. I'll see you later"

I stand there and see his retreating form. A hospital bill? Why isn't her insurance covering for it? I will call them once I go back home. I can't afford to have extra bills to pay

Fatima's POV

"Need a ride?" Spoke a voice behind me. I turn around and see Sebastian leaning casually on the hospital wall. His lean tall figure and all black outfit contrasted the white wall behind him.

"I am good. Don't need it" I reply, not willing to admit that it would have been helpful, but hey, we have public transportation for a reason

"Please. Also, it will make your mom feel more at ease. She is worried in there"

I was taken aback at his 'please', these people never say that, also not when they are the ones offering you the service. What was going on? Did my mom send him? I narrow my eyes, thinking for a second before giving in "Fine, let's go"

He walks in front of me and we both stop in front of the elevator. We were both in an uncomfortable silence. I play with the end of my hair when the elevator opens up, we both waited, and then walked in at the same time, bumping each other

"Ladies first" He said holding the elevator door. I walk in and he follows me. Once again, we were both silent. What is wrong with him? He is usually a bubbly person, always flirting and making annoying jokes? Why is he so formal and calm?

"Is everything okay?" I ask him, starting to get worried. Not because I low key have a crush on him or I am dying from being worried. Nope, not at all

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't it?" He asks, looking confused

"Well, for starters you look grumpy, and you keep frowning, like you are having an internal debate and can't seem to come to a conclusion" I ended the sentence with a smile and blinked quickly. I have no idea why

He puts his hand on top of his chest just to be dramatic "You look creepy when you do that"

"You not even funny" I slap his arm lightly

"I am okay though. Nothing that can't be solved"

O-Kay. I should just shut my mouth I guess.

The elevator door opens up on the first floor and I gesture my hands for him to go first. He raises a perfect eyebrow

"Ladies first"he holds the elevator door, again

"Ladies my ass. That sentence is just an excuse to check out Ladies butts" I pointed out

He puts a finger below his jaw "Probably"

I roll my eyes and get out. I walk a little too quickly feeling his gaze on me

I turn to look at him "Can you at least, like not make it obvious?"

He laughs "No promises"

Seeing his smile, I felt a little better. I guess, after all he is okay, he is still the same Sebastian I knew.

We walk side by side, in a comfortable silence. I was silent until I hear a beep from a car and see him opening the door to the sexiest beast of all time. Remember yesterday I thought Ahmed's car was hot? This was a thousand time better.

"You know, you can close your mouth, and get in right?"

I close my mouth, and slowly gulp. I shouldn't make a fool of myself, at least not in front of him. I slowly get in and close the door. He starts to drive right after

"A freaking Bugatti cheron, not a bad choice at all" I manage to say after a while. Not bad? Is that all I could come up with? That's like my dream car and seeing how this car has been personalized, I am guessing around 3.5 millions of Dollars. What I could do with that amount of money, only God knows

"Yeah, I love it, and I am surprised you actually know about cars" he replies, looking straight ahead

"Why, because I am a girl ?" I raise an eyebrow

"No- not at all, it's just not a lot of people do" He replies, playing with the wheel

O-Kayyy. We silently drive home, and once he was in front of my house, he stops

"How do you know where I live?" I ask him, trying my best to remember if I ever gave him my address. Nope never


"Yup seriously" I ask again

"I have my ways. Anyways, get out before I decide to bring you somewhere else" He unclocks the door. Don't tell me he wants to kidnap me too, and bring me to those people who cut other people into pieces. I shudder at the thought and quickly get out

"Bye Felicia" I yell behind me,

"Bye Tima poo" He winks at me. Typical Sebastian, and I just show him my middle finger. He waits until I get inside the house before pressing on the gas and leaving just the way we came. That's the type of relationship we have, always bickering, even though he annoys me to death, I still care about him.

Walking around the house, I see letters on the coffee table, I didn't notice them before. I quickly tie my hair in a ponytail and start opening them one by one. Electricity bill, long overdue, water bill, almost due, gas is also due. Without forgetting rent, but more importantly, school debts just keep increasing. I let myself fall on the Couch next to me. At this point, there is no denying I am below the poverty line. My mom, hospital bills, let me call her insurance company to make sure they will at least cover that. Taking out my phone in my pocket, I look up the phone number and call it on the spot.

"Hello, I am calling on behalf of Hanifah Noor, she has been hospitalized at the Ridgeview medical center. They told me that they usually don't accept her health insurance, but to call first and see if they have a participant doctor" I slowly speak on the phone, praying silently for them to say yes

They quickly confirm all the information before getting back to me with a "Sorry", there is no way they could cover it. They said they could not cover it. What am I going to do? With my mom sick, billions of bills piling up, and me being jobless, what the hell was I going to do? I slowly let my tears fall, because I was feeling overwhelmed all of the sudden.

After hours of being miserable, I was feeling a little better. It's true what they say, crying helps, at least it does to me. I look for my half broken pc and slowly open it, and started my hunt for a new job and internship, anything that was open and that had a decent pay. Almost everything I saw was already taken. What did I think? I would get an amazing internship without applying earlier? I actually did. I applied to a bunch of them through school, but didn't get any response from any of them. Suddenly, an email appears, I quickly open it and freeze. I open my eyes widely and keep staring at the screen in front of me. I can not believe what I am seeing right now

I read it again, and again. For sure I was not mistaken. I definitely saw right what was written. There was no way I was blind or imagining it. It was clearly written

A new position at Moretti entreprises was open, and I was invited for a first round interview. If this was not being blessed, I don't know what else is. Hope, that's what I was feeling at this point. Looking at the date I already start planning my outfit and printing a new copy of my resume. With a smile on my face, I take a deep breathe and finally close my eyes for a little while


Important Information !!!

From chapter 5, I am going to make the chapters private for the moment, to protect my work. I might make it public later, but I am not sure. Follow me if you want to read the rest of the book, then you will be notified anytime I post a new part.

I hope you are enjoying the book so far, the drama is actually about to start. Buckle up guys.

Much love,


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