Chapter Twenty Eight

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Delilah had to be dragged out of bed when the middle of exams hit, the past two days of tests had been kicking her ass. Not so much mentally, but having to get up early and sit through boring test was exhausting. They wouldn't even let her nap when she finished early.

Today though, she had Defense Against the Dark Arts. She was definitely not looking forward to today. She knew she'd do well, but what was awaiting at the end of the test had her nerves in a jumble.

They were to go through a maze set up on the Quidditch field, a series of tasks littered throughout. At the end a boggart was waiting, just bursting with excitement to torment students with their worst fears.

She had tried her hardest to get out of that, even asking for an exemption from the exam in total. Slughorn wouldn't hear it, rambling how if she wanted a job in the Department of Mysteries, she had to toughen it up. She felt like punching him.

Dumbledore couldn't really do anything either, he wasn't her head of house, and it would be considered unfair if he gave her a pardon. It wasn't like any other student was looking forward to seeing their nightmares brought to life.

"For the love of Merlin and Morgana, will you get up?" Olive sighed and threw a pillow at Delilah, hitting her square in the face.

"Since when are you a morning person?" She yawned, forcing herself to sit up. "I don't want to miss breakfast... and I'm planning on taking a last sneak peak at Tom's notes." The brunette raised a brow as Delilah flinched slightly at the name.

She didn't even want to think about him or his stupid face. Delilah had been trying her best to avoid him at all cost. Seeing as she was not willing to accept the truth that was dangling above her head like a glinting guillotine.

It was only a matter of time before the rope was released and the blade came swinging down.

She thanked every deity in existence when they walked into the Great Hall, Tom was no where to be seen.

"Damn," Olive muttered. She hated the boy, but that didn't mean she couldn't use his intellect to her advantage.

Sitting down next to Cain, Delilah grabbed some toast and began to nurse a cup of coffee. It burned her tongue, but she didn't mind. At this point, she was welcoming any distraction.

"Are you prepared for today?" Cain asked, biting into a slice of honeyed ham. Shaking her head, her eyes danced up to the enchanted ceiling. It looked like it was going to rain later, just perfect. She loved the rain, but she was in no mood to get drenched during her exam.

"You'll do brilliantly, though Riddle will get the highest score," there was a pause, "no offense."

Waving him off, Delilah took a generous bite of her toast. "I'm not really in the mood to give it my all today, to be honest I don't really care about my score."

"Don't let Slughorn hear that," he laughed, but it slowly died as he looked at her. She looked exhausted. "I don't know why Riddle even puts effort in, maybe he doesn't, I don't know. He's brilliant, shame he's throwing that all away to become a professor. He'd be wonderful in the Ministry."

"There's no shame in being a professor, look at Dumbledore. He makes the Minister look like a blundering idiot." Her eyes turned towards the staff table, but the auburn haired man was absent. Probably getting ready for the transfigurations exams today.

"But that's exactly my point, Dumbledore could be doing so much more."

Shaking her head, Delilah took another long drink of her coffee. "The Ministry is too noisy for someone with Tom's ambition."

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