Chapter Twenty Six

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Flinching as someone suddenly sat down next to him, his pumpkin juice slightly spilled everywhere. "Merlin, Olive," Pyrrhus grumbled, not seeing how she's in such a good mood at an early hour.

Reaching for some toast, she simply smiled at him, as well as the group. "I'm coming along."

They all looked at her with questioning glances, before looking at each other, trying to decipher who told her.

"I over heard you lot, you really should be more observant of your surroundings."

Delilah nodded and took a long drink of her coffee, not missing the slight disgust in Tom's eyes; he hated coffee. "Yes, I seem to be having trouble with that lately." Not only did Olive overhear, but Aleksander as well. Perhaps it was meant to be, seeing as he's the one providing a way into the Ministry.

"Oh, and I invited Aurora."

"Fuck sake," Pyrrhus muttered.

Abraxas choked on his food and stared at Olive incredulously. Not at all wanting his girlfriend involved in this little Ministry plan.


Delilah was just leaving her advanced arithmetics class when her professor gave her a piece of parchment. As she left out the door, she was met with Tom leaning against the wall. Was he waiting for her?

She didn't bother to ask and kept walking, and he easily fell in step next to her. "That's most likely for your final meeting," he said simply, the crowd of students easily parting ways for both him and Delilah.

"Final meeting?" she muttered, undoing the seal and quickly skimming over the letter. As soon as she was finished, she couldn't help rolling her eyes and shoving it half heartedly in her bag. Meeting with Slughorn about career paths was the last thing she could care about.

His lips twitched slightly at her obvious annoyance. "Give him hell, why don't you?" With the slight nod of his head, the two departed ways at the foot of a hall. Delilah watched him walk away, the way he carried himself looking impressive as ever. Twirling her necklace, she pivoted and made way for the dungeons.

Barely a knock in, the old wooden door flung open and she was met with a smiling Potions Professor. "Ah, Miss Pontmercy! Come in, come in," Slughorn beamed and gestured for her to follow him into his office.

Sitting herself down, she watched as he waddled his way slightly around his desk, seeing as it was a narrow fit. She could've sworn she heard the wood creak from his plush chair the moment his weight was settled. "Now, then," he opened a drawer, not to bring out paperwork, but candied pineapple.

"What career are your eyes set on? Many options are open to you considering your grades, and I'd be happy to give you a letter of recommendation."

Delilah sighed slightly through her nose, wishing she could be anywhere but where she actually was. This meeting didn't matter, not in hindsight anyway. She wouldn't be staying in this time for much longer, and she was also adamant on getting this little interview over with as soon as possible.

Then her whole brain went 'what the hell' and she blurted the first thing to come to mind, "A job at the Ministry. The Department of Mysteries sounds rather appealing."

Slughorn blinked once before a bolstering laugh left his lips, making his mustache dance in the process. "Ambition indeed! Oh splendid, imagine one of my students running the Department of Mysteries! Oh splendid indeed." He laughed again and shook his head affectionately before turning to a shelf he had set up on the far wall. "You just might make the front, my dear."

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