Chapter Thirty Four

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Tom was cut off as a fist collided with his nose. Staggering back slightly, his eyes started to water even though it didn't hurt that much. He knew his nose wasn't broken, but it was definitely bleeding.

Cain stood there, his chest heaving and was completely ignoring the ache in his knuckles. He made to lunge for him again, but Tom got hold of his arms and twisted enough to make him stop.

"Your greed blinded you. We shouldn't have gone back, especially so soon and now she's- my- Rosie is dead and it's your fault." Cain punctuated his claim by shoving Tom the best he could, though his movements were a bit weaker this time.

After a few seconds he glanced back at his sister and another sob broke from him, he fell against Tom, taking him down to the floor. Tom's mind was reeling, both with still trying to process what happened and how to deal with Cain's mental break.

He needed to get hold of the situation and quickly, or else Cain would spiral and be of no use. Placing his hands on the side of Cain's face, Tom pressed his forehead against his.

"Look at me."

Bitter coffee brown eyes poured into Cain's, and for a moment he thought he would either kill him for appearing so weak or delve into his mind. Maybe both.

"Your sister is dead."

Cain clenched his jaw and squeezed his eyes shut but Tom shook him slightly, "hey, look at me. She's dead, okay? And I'm sorry, I am. I know you're angry, and you want to avenge her. And you should, she deserves it."

Reaching over, Tom took hold of Rosie's arm, "but if you want to avenge your sister, we need to go after those responsible."

Cain took a shuddering breath and willed himself to look at Rosie, taking in the mark of Grindelwald and those dreadful words. Tom observed the boy for a moment before he pressed a finger to Cain's chest, "all that pain, take hold of it, concentrate it, aim it true. That's the only way you're going to keep yourself going."

He nodded, but Tom couldn't ignore the tears in Cain's eyes, they were also puffed and swollen, it's like they inflated. Tom patted the side of his head before standing up. "Do your parents know?"

Cain sniffed, slowly he got up and walked over to his sister, carefully lifting her body to rest her on the couch, "I don't know."

Tom turned his gaze to the others, "how'd she get here?"

"I found her lying in front of the fireplace in one of the rooms down the hall, the door was cracked open." Aleksander said and Tom pinched his nose, a slight sliver of panic shooting through him. "So they know where we're staying," he concluded.

Rubbing at his eyes, the group shared glances. They've never seen Tom Riddle so stressed.

"We need to get out of here," Delilah said for him once she realized his was already lost in his mind. "As soon as possible."

"What are we gonna," Cain took a shaking breath, "... what are we going to do about Rosie?"

"She'll have a proper burial." Aleksander told him, walking over and placing a hesitant hand on his friends shoulder. Lolita wiped away her tears and took hold of Cain's hand, "c'mon, love."

There was a pained smile on his face as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to his little sisters forehead.


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