Chapter Three

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  Dumbledore got her schedule together and just before he handed it to her, there was rapid knocking on his office door. "Come in!" He called and a man threw open the door, nearly tripping over his own feet. He was breathing heavily and spun towards Delilah. "Is this her? Oh hello, my dear!" Slughorn shook Delilah's hand rapidly, the notion caused her whole arm to shake and she couldn't bite back a smile. "Hello, I'm Delilah Pontmercy." It was weird introducing herself to him again.

  "The newest edition to Slytherin! Oh, is this your schedule?" He nipped the papers from Dumbledore, whom held an amused expression at his colleague. "Very bright? Very bright indeed! Oh yes, a lovely addition to my house! Albus, the house cup will surely be ours I'm afraid. What, with Tom and now Miss Pontmercy? Surely it's in our grasp!" Delilah blinked at how energetic he was. Sure, he was always good natured in her time but he was much older and seemed tired. In the nineties he was at Hogwarts again, seemingly for protection. The Death Eaters kept trying to recruit him.

  "Come along! Let me take you to your common room." He shuffled out the door and Delilah glanced at Dumbledore. "We can meet tomorrow morning if you'd like-"

  "Come along!" Slughorn shouted. Delilah nodded at Dumbledore and smiled uneasily. It had hit her she'd actually have to sleep in a new place full of people who'd probably hex her if they found out she was a half-blood. Delilah had only been down to the Slytherin common room once and she didn't hate it, it was just so vastly different from her own house. 

  The Ravenclaw tower was one of the highest and had the best view with floor to ceiling windows. The walls were white granite and had royal blue velvet curtains that looked like water falling. The dome ceiling was enchanted, similar to the Great Hall, but it permanently showed the cosmos. Off to left there was an archway to their own private library and in the middle of the room was a marble sculpture of Rowena Ravenclaw.

  As Delilah entered the Slytherin common room, everything was dark and black marble tile spread through the room. A green shimmer filtered in from high windows, due to the Great Lake being just outside. She'd nearly forgotten they were under water. Many couches for lounging were throughout the room, all black leather with emerald green accents and a fire was crackling in a huge mantel piece on the far right of the room. Above it was a painting of Salazar Slytherin and there were other artifacts littered on top. Upon further notice she saw there was a large snake carved out of black stone. It was beautiful.

  "Boys dormitories are to the left, girls to the right. Seventh years will be on the top floor. Shouldn't miss it. Now I have to pop off I'm afraid! But I'll send Tom to fetch you for dinner, that'll give you enough time to settle in. Remember the password is Ouroboros." With that he scuttled out of the room and she blinked. The common room was empty, most likely due to everyone was in class. She eyed the fireplace one last time before turning right.

  Getting to her room, she opened the door and took everything in. Again, it was so different from what she was used to.

  Ravenclaw dorms were in a high tower so natural light poured in from the huge windows. They had dark wood flooring and a large cream colored rug was set in the middle. The ceiling was domed as well and each bed was a four poster with those rich royal blue curtains with bronze accents.

  This room however had black wood flooring and stone walls. The room was warm but as she touched the wall a chill ran up her spine. The beds were four posters as well but emerald green curtains hung heavy and had silver tassels to hold them closed. She spotted the empty bed, which was presumably hers, and ran her hands over the soft velvet. She pulled the covers back and saw a black blanket laid on top of pristine white sheets. She sat down and sighed at how comfortable it was. Before she knew it, she was out like a light.

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