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The next day you and Alex were getting ready to go up on stage. Since VidCon invited you to attend, they also wanted you to be part of their creator panel.

"Please welcome our next guests, Quackity and Devilise!" The host's voice echoed through the speakers.

You and Alex pushed the curtains aside and walked over to the seats that were placed in the centre of the stage.

"So how are you guys? How do you feel being YouTube's most trending couple right now?" The host asked.

"It's been crazy, just to think we might've never got together if it wasn't for one of my fan's donations on Twitch." You replied.

"But my charm would've got to her one way or another." Alex winked at you and the crowd laughed.

"Let's get some questions from the crowd... You in the red shirt, what's your question?" He pointed at someone in the crowd.

"Congrats on your relationship but when is the next raid?" The boy in the red shirt asked.

Alex laughed. "Soon! Very soon. Subscribe with Twitch prime so you don't miss it!"

You and him continued to answer questions for the next hour and finally the host said that the time was up.

"Thank you so much for coming over, we hope to see you next year."

You and Alex waved goodbye and went behind the curtains.

"So VidCon is basically over, that went by fast." You said.

"But I wouldn't have changed anything about it." He placed his hands on your face and kissed the tip of your nose.

"Ever since we got together you've gone soft." You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Yeah, you suck." Alex said sarcastically.

"Love you too." You scoffed.

"Is that our thing now?"

"Yes." You responded with a kiss.

Footsteps could be heard coming towards you so you let go of Alex. It was time for the next guests to arrive.

"Zak!!" You greeted him, you guessed it was time for the Minecraft YouTubers to be on the panel.

"Hey (Y/N)." Zak smiled towards you.

"Thank you so much, for everything. You really are my best friend. I hope you find someone better than me one day." You hugged him, this situation could've gone much differently if he never let go of you.

"That's was friends are for." He patted your back. "Take care of her." Zak said to Alex, then the rest of the guests started to enter the small space behind the curtains.

Alex nodded at Zak then took your hand to return to the main area of the convention. You and him wandered around for a little while longer until you two finally decided it was time to go back to the hotel and pack.

Once you and Alex had finished cleaning up you both fell into the bed, exhausted.

"Can you believe that tomorrow you're going to be sleeping in my bed?" You said softly whilst lay down facing him.

"Finally." He chuckled.

You rolled your eyes. "Goodnight." You mumbled as your eyelids shut.

He snaked his arms around you to pull you closer to him and placed his chin on your head as you both fell asleep.

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