look up

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'Fucking finally.' You were exhausted from the long flight and you were ready to just go to sleep. You had already spent all day streaming and now it was 4am, how you haven't died from exhaustion yet who knows.


where r u bro

literally just parked up,
coming to get u now

wtf u drive?

huh? im 18 of course i do


the important thing to know is
i can drive well

oh god im gonna die arent i

if i crash with u in the car u can
have my channel

bitch im going to be dead

look up

'Look up?' Your focus shifted from your phone to what was infront of you and a familiar boy caught your eye instantly. Your jaw dropped as you saw him rush towards you, this was such a strange experience. You had never seen any of your online friends in person until now. Your shocked face quickly changed to display thorough excitement as you ran towards him.

The two of you collided and wrapped your arms around each other as tight as you could.

"ALEX OH MY GOD!" Was all you could manage to say.


You both stood there for a few more seconds until you finally broke apart.

"I need sleep." You finally managed to say.

"Agreed." He nodded as you began to follow him to his car. Whilst you two walked, none of you could stop talking.

"Woah I just realised you don't have your beanie on! Did the staples fall out?" You joked as you looked at his messy, afro-like, dark hair. "Wow you really weren't kidding when you said it looked like an afro, huh?"

"Shut up, you can't say much." He pointed to your terribly messy hair.

"Hey!" You elbowed him. "It was a long flight okay!"

You and him finally got inside the car and he began to drive home. You expected him to be crashing left and right but to your surprise he managed to get there without a single mistake.

It was pitch black outside and freezing. You zipped up your hoodie before stepping out of the car. He began to unlock the door whilst you silently shivered behind him.

"My parents are asleep so you're going to have to be as quiet as possible."

You forgot he lived with his parents. Do they even know you're here?!

"Oh by the way I forgot to tell my family you're coming over so you're going to have to sneak out in the morning, my parents will beat me if they see you in the guest room."

"Alex you what-" You said, half yelling but trying to keep quiet.

"Kidding!! Of course they know you're here but you do need to be quiet, I'll show you to your room."

He led you to a room you easily recognised, his so called 'bunker' where he would usually stream. The Disney princess blanket wasn't something you were expecting though and you stared at it trying to contemplate if that was a hallucination of your sleep-deprived mind.

"Oh that's not mine-" He quickly assured you.

"Yeah whatever you say." You chuckled as you quickly let go of your luggage and collapsed onto the horrendously uncomfortable bed. You weren't expecting that either.

"If you need anything, just let me know, I'll be upstairs, okay?"

"Okay, thank you so much for letting me stay here." You sat upright.

"No problem, goodnight, (Y/N)." He pulled you into a hug once again and then left.

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