
69.3K 1.9K 1.6K

After falling asleep rather quickly once Quackity's stream ended, you woke up to the sound of your alarm. Rolling over to the other side of your bed you groaned as you quickly went to grab your phone and silence the alarm then began checking your notifications.

[@QuackityHQ Mentioned you in a Tweet.]


can @Devilise please just teach @QuackityHQ how to play minecraft it is NOT that hard to play

@QuackityHQ replying to @devilistan3:
@Devilise pls help me not suck

"I might as well since I have nothing better to do." You mumbled to yourself, still tired from literally waking up only a minute ago. You began typing out a reply.

@Devilise replying to @devilistan3 and @QuackityHQ:
when are you free

Later on in the day you finally got out of bed and began to edit last nights stream to post on your channel since you hadn't had a good video idea for a while now. Thankfully Minecraft was making a comeback on YouTube so being worried about views going down wasn't an issue.


You picked up your phone after hearing it vibrate and saw a Twitter DM notification.


hey sorry about my stream, i just wanted to
clarify I don't actually have any negative feelings towards you


don't worry I know you're kidding :) about that tweet


yeah I'd like to invite you to come on my
twitch stream tonight, if you're up for it

sure, 6pm sound good?


sounds great, I have to go do something now so
add me on discord, quackity#0001 and i'll
message you sometime before 6pm :D


okay mine is devilise#0001, ttyl

quackity#0001 sent you a friend request

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