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It was a VidCon tradition that all of the YouTubers, or at least most of them, would go to Disney the day before the event happened. And that's exactly what you were going to do. You and Zak made plans before hand to hang out with your own group of friends in order to not accidentally hold hands in public. Therefore you were going to stay with Alex's friends who were labelled the 'Reddit Crew' by fans.

"It's so nice to meet you finally!!" You greeted Aksel with a hug, the man who Alex would never shut up about, and you could understand why. The moment you met Aksel he was immediately the funniest guy in the room, he was so charismatic. You were surprised you didn't know of him before becoming involved with Alex.

"So you're the one whose taking my boy's V-card, yeah?" Henry laughed.

You made eye contact with Alex and he subtly shook his head. That was his way of telling you that Henry doesn't know about the fake relationship deal. Alex mentions to you that he didn't bother to tell many people in case they let it slip to someone they shouldn't.

"Who said I didn't already?" You cocked an eyebrow in response.

Alex widened his eyes at your reply and fumbled with the hem of his shirt, not knowing what to do. That just made you giggle uncontrollably.

"So where are we going first?" Ani asked.

"Toontown!!!" Aksel and Alex cheered.

Everyone rolled their eyes, knowing that's what they were going to suggest. But nevertheless, everyone was happy that they finally got to meet after all these years.

After everyone running around the park for a few hours, your group slowly started to separate. Ani, Brandon and Henry went to the 'small world' ride which the rest refused to go on. Kwite had left with FPSDiesel to find food whilst Aksel and Hoover went to go find more rollercoasters. That left you and Alex together.

"That was amazing!!" You said, full of excitement.

You and Alex had just been on Splash Mountain so the two of you were completely soaked.

"What next? A towel, hopefully." He said sarcastically as he was trying to drain his shirt from water.

"Ferris wheel?"

"Sure, let's go."

You had started speaking to Alex again, and he was thrilled. He finally had his best friend back.

"Can I ask why you were refusing to talk to me?" He asked whilst you two waited in the queue.

"I told you, I was tired." You lied.

"I don't believe it."

Alex was seeing through your empty words and you didn't know what else to say.

"Is Zak telling you to stop talking to me?" He questioned.

"No. He actually was asking the same questions." You were trying to stall whilst you came up with a better story.

"So there is a reason."

"Okay if you really want to know..." Fuck. What else could you say asides from the truth? "I had a dream and it involved you." You blurted out. You couldn't keep up with the lies anymore.

He raised his eyebrows at what you said then a smirk quickly formed.

"What was it about?" He nudged you slightly whilst keeping his voice low.

"I don't want to talk about it." You looked down at your feet so your hair fell over your face, hiding your cheeks that were turning redder by the second.

He brushed your hair behind your ear. That felt oddly familiar.

"You've done that before." You said, thinking out loud.

Alex stopped in his tracks with his hand lingering by your ear.

"You have done that before haven't you?" Confirming your theory.

"Okay I'll let you off the hook about your dream-"

"You HAVE done it before!! I was just guessing. I don't care about the dream anymore, the dream was that I kissed you but-"

"You kissed ME? Not the other way around?" He asked shocked.

"It was a dream don't get your hopes up, don't you have a mystery girl on the side anyway?"

"Dreams are often reflections of what you want to happen, (Y/N)."

You two continued arguing for a few more minutes until a couple recognised you.

"(Y/N) and Alex, we finally found you!!" The girl said, hand in hand with the boy.

"We heard you were in Disney so we've been searching for you all day." The boy sounded exhausted as he caught his breath after running towards you two.

"I'm the one who brought you two together! I'm Hannah, but you might know me as 'devistannie' on Twitch."

"So you're the one to thank for leading me to her." Alex wrapped his arm around your waist to draw you towards him.

"This was a perfect way to end today." Hannah turned to her boyfriend and kissed him.

As she placed her hands on his face you noticed a sizeable ring on her finger.

"Wait, are you two engaged?" You asked.

"Yes, I proposed to her today, and once we saw your posts about being in Disney, I had to find you for her." He looked at Hannah lovingly whilst entangling their fingers together again.

"Could we please get a picture?" She asked you and Alex.

You and him agreed and leaned in for a selfie.

"It was so amazing meeting the two of you." Hannah hugged each of you. "I hope you and Alex are as happy as me and Jordan one day."

"Here's a tip Alex, when you propose make sure you're not stood near gum." He motioned to his leg, pointing out a small pink stain on his jeans.

"You sure he's going to propose?" You laughed, stealing a glance at Alex then back at Hannah and Jordan.

"I'm sure of it, and when you get married I wouldn't mind getting an invite." She smiled.

"Love, we should get going. Our Uber is waiting." Jordan reminded her.

"Okay fine, it was lovely meeting the two of you, see you at the wedding!" She waved goodbye and walked off with Jordan, still holding hands.

"First a dream kiss now a wedding, I'm surprised you're not drooling." He teased.

"Shut up." You said.

"Love you too."

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