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"Hold on a minute Zak." You were in the middle of a Discord call with your friend Zak, also known online as Skeppy, however a certain other YouTuber you befriended recently was blowing up your phone. You muted your microphone on Discord and picked up Quackity's phone call. You knew you were going to regret giving him your number, you just didn't know it'd be that soon.

You placed your phone close to your lips and- "WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT."

A yelp came out of your phone's speaker which made you burst out laughing.

"Uncool, (Y/N). Uncool." He said with a moody tone.

"How did I predict your earphones were plugged in?" You said, still laughing.

"I rang you with some really exciting news and I get greeted with you killing my ears and-" He lowered his voice. "Literally everyone in the room is just staring at me now. Thank God none of these people speak English."

"Haha, okay okay I'm sorry. Now, what's the news amigo?"

"Una oportunidad de ganar boletos para VidCon."

"What?" You asked.

"Incluye vuelo y hotel." Quackity continued speaking Spanish to you.

"Hey (Y/N) you still there?" Zak asked, you were muted but you forgot to deafen your Discord.

"Whose that?"

"Now you speak English, hmm?" You teased. "Well, when you're ready to talk, hit me up, bye bye bye-" Cutting him off once again made you laugh. Thankfully he knew how to take a joke so you didn't have to worry too much.

Clicking unmute you finally replied. "Hey sorry about that, it was Alex who was blowing up my phone."

"Alex?" Zak questioned. "As in Quackity?"

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Of course I do, the rising new king of YouTube! He can make a video on whatever he wants and it'll get #1 spot on the trending page."

Before you could open your mouth to reply your phone started vibrating again.

"Damn he's hooked on you (Y/N)."

You scoffed at that comment and proceeded to decline Quackity's call. You understood that teasing him would eventually push its limit but the fact that the two of you had called for hours on end this past week would hopefully make up for delaying this one phone call.

"It's not like that Zak."

You and Zak had been friends for a couple years now, you met through one of his video projects where he donated to random streamers. And the one time he decided to donate to non-minecraft YouTubers, you just so happened to be streaming at the same time. You guys really hit it off and had been friends ever since. He promoted your channel a lot whilst you were still starting out so he was a big contribution as to why you had the following you did. Zak was like your online guardian angel, always looking for ways to help you. He was the one who convinced the organizers of Minecraft Monday to let you participate. His heart is made of pure gold and you were forever grateful.

After talking for a while you suddenly heard other voices other than Zak's coming from his end of the call. "Hey I gotta go, I'll message you later. But before I go... I've known you for a while now and I know that you don't always see the signs... Okay bye bye bye b-"

You scoffed once again and rolled your eyes with a laugh, using your own tricks against you, typical Zak.

You finally picked up your phone after having to put it on 'do not disturb' to see a bunch of missed calls.

Missed call (7)

"Uh oh." You mumbled to yourself, your cocky mood had started to wear off and guilt began to seep through. You slowly swiped the 'missed call' notification and you were now waiting for him to pick up the phone. It didn't even get the chance to beep three times and he had already answered.

"The ONE time I need you to pick up, you hang up on me and ignore the rest of my calls." He immediately began half-shouting at you.

"Alex I'm sorry I get ahead of myself sometimes..." You started to apologise over and over until you heard chuckling take over his end of the call.

"See chat! I told you I could!" Quackity suddenly blurted out, not cranky anymore and clearly not talking to you.


"Did you just say chat?!"

to the end | QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now