How Much Blood Are You Willing to Shed?

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After two hours of remaining idle, I slowly felt my sanity draining away. I paced the prison and found myself finding little to no consolation, even though Ben and Billy were there. So I decided to do something different. I found myself  up at the watch tower of the prison, /watching/. After climbing up the unforgiving metal, rusty ladder, I found myself taking position for reasons that I didn’t understand. Somehow, it gave me comfort to look out at the bright Georgia sun. It made me feel in control, with my rifle in hand, as I scanned the woods for any sign of Dale or Rick. Being in the watch tower made me feel /good/, and I knew as long as I was up here, I had an amazing vantage point and a way of protecting my family, most importantly the children, inside. I could easily shoot anyone from /one hundred/ or even more yards away, and for that I was somewhat proud.

As the cool, fall air blew back my soft blonde hair, I felt a chill just from that motion. I found myself looking for something to tie my hair up, and with that, I soon had my hair in a ponytail. I didn’t really like the way my hair looked like that because it exposed my missing earlobe, my expansive scar, and I was embarrassed. I don’t know why I’m so embarrassed about it. It really wasn’t that bad, but I could see the way everyone turned away from it as if they couldn’t stand the ugliness. I've even caught Rick doing the same as he saw me and that really hurt seeing as for some reason I cared way more about his opinion than anyone else’s, even Dale’s. I meant to ask him why he did that, but it seemed to always slip my mind when I was around him. Although Dale seemed to like my scar, it didn’t help much as his words felt hollowed, almost rehearsed for me. Surely it was a moment of melodrama, and I immediately stopped the self pity, focusing on the protective task ahead to guide me and my thoughts.


At these depressing thoughts, I pulled the warm, woolen lined jacket closer to my tiny frame, huddling inside as I stared ahead for Rick to return. The sun was setting now and I would not leave without him being back in the gate with Dale at his side. I hadn’t eaten or even drank anything all day. I didn’t really feel that hungry. Not hungry enough to leave. I was definitely not hungry enough in any way, shape, or form to abandon my post. Basic needs would have to be on hold for now as this was need, for survival. Even if it was all a mental state for me.


The Governor

        After collecting the old man and losing the young one, I wasn’t very happy. The biters needed a snack and I needed entertainment, but I let that slide. As I tossed the /useless bundle of flesh inside/ the grungy basement, I couldn’t help my disgust at him. He didn’t deserve to be alive. It was survival of the fittest and some how this despicable heap survived? The thought made me growl with a whole new distaste and dare I say /jealousy/.  How in the hell had this man survived? Was there another safe-zone like Woodbury? Were things /better/? Not for long I vowed. That power would be mine, and perhaps this disgrace of a human would provide me just the passageway I needed to get more…..To break them slowly and surely.

I had been working on Woodbury for quite some time, and these people had no idea who I really was. They martyred me as a savior seeing as I did just that to save the sixty or so people I had. Sure, bloodshed was a consequence of such a Utopia, but I found it utterly necessary. In this world it was kill or be killed, and my people would always be alive no matter how many people I had to rip through. Limb by limb….Piece by piece I would do it….  Martinez knew some about me, but he was just as numb and stupid as the rest to see my true powers… I would control the survivors. They would call me their king their…. /Governor/.  The thought of having such control made my skin tingle with /thrill/ and /pleasure/, and I suddenly had a desire to go see my daughter.


After impatiently walking through Woodbury, I arrived in my mansion and went to Penny’s room. That was my little girl in there, and even though she was a walker now, I still made her /love me/ because that’s what daughters did for their fathers. “Penny. Come say hi to daddy.” My baby girl snarled and growled at me, outstretching her putrid arms for me. She was showing me affection, and I willingly accepted it, taking her into a bone crunching hold. “There, there Penny…..Now give daddy a kiss.” My daughter mumbled incoherently as I pulled back, forcing my lips onto her mouth for a kiss. I, of course removed all of her teeth so that she couldn’t accidentally hurt me while she displayed her affections. This of course made things easier as I had the kiss, brushing back her hair. I pulled back when I felt my daughter’s hands tearing at my skin and got angry, yanking out a chunk of her scalp and hair in the process. “Now, now Penny. It’s not nice to hurt your daddy.” I stood and threw my daughter across the ground with little to no remorse. She had misbehaved after all. After marching from Penny’s room, I found myself going to my /museum/. I sat in the leather worn chair and soon my body relaxed. I found myself staring at the head of the men I conquered and I felt adrenaline coursing through my veins. Just the sight made me /excited/, determined to control /more/….kill more… more…….



I should have told Andrea to come. But then that would have been selfish of me. It would be asking Andrea to come and be by my side as I saved /her/ boyfriend. It really was more complicated than that though...I wanted her here for moral support and encouragement. Andrea was really the only other person who ever made me feel confident and strong….. like I was someone. Then again, she was the strongest woman I knew, so maybe that was why. It was interesting to think that maybe she saw the confidence and strength in me like I saw in her, but that’s besides the point. The real point is that I needed her here to tell me I could do this. But she wasn’t here. It was just me against whatever threat. Although it didn’t seem appealing, I had to oblige being the De Facto leader, I found myself feeling responsible for each and every life. Every single drop of blood loss was my fault, not theirs. And even though this was the truth, I still prayed my sharpshooting angel would show up at any minute.


I told Andrea /not/ to come, didn’t I? I made that decision. But, somehow I wanted her to disobey me. Hell she had done it hundreds of times before, why couldn’t she do it now? As I wretched up whatever food Andrea had forced on me this morning, I placed a hand on my head, suddenly thinking about my wife...ex wife again, my unborn child, and Carl. They were my /life/. They were my everything, and once again I left them unprotected...Of course the prison was heavily guarded, but I wasn’t there….At least Andrea was. She would protect them at all costs. Damn it, there I go again. How many minutes can I go without thinking about Andrea…. I can’t even make it past a minute.


The thought made my palms sweat as I rubbed them on my jeans, looking around for the trail I was following. I could be following the wrong trail, but for some reason I felt it was right. After finding the burned out truck a few miles back, I followed that, realizing that Glenn’s description of a broken truck would lead me the right way.


I knew I was getting close….I could sense it. It was a test of my instinct...I was ready to save Dale. Ready to make this world something worth living in for that precious baby of mine and for the rest of the survivors. I was to make things how they used to be, but better. That child was my motivation;Carl was...Sophia. I wanted to make a world worth living for them…



It was pitch black out and I still remained on my post, tense like I was being hunted. I nearly jumped out of my skin when Tyreese touched my shoulder with his massive hand. “Come on back inside now, Andrea. I’m sure they’ll be back tomorrow.” I naturally pulled away from his hand and lowered my rifle, looking down as I spoke. “What if they need my help opening the gate? I-I need to be here….I- I need to be!” I could even hear the weakness in my voice, and for that I cringed at that unavoidable human nature within me. Tyreese’s expression softened as he reached for the rifle that he sure as Hell couldn’t shoot. “I’ll watch for you Andrea.” Tyreese said with an almost quiet and relaxing voice, something I’ve never heard from him. I unintentionally nodded and stood shakily, gripping the metal bars of the watch tower. “T-thanks Tyreese.” I muttered as I walked away, my head practically sunken in the ground. If Rick Grimes wasn’t here by noon tomorrow, I was /going/, and there was absolutely nothing anyone could do about that.

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