Who Am I? (10-4-12)

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Who Am I?

Philippians 1 : 21- For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Psalm 116 : 15- Precious in the sight of The Lord is the death of His saints.

Why would God delight in the death of His believers? Why would he rejoice that they are no longer on this earth?

At my school we are privileged to have a weekly Christian devotional. This week, the speaker talked about these two verses. He described God's love for us, and His patience with us, as being a lot like a pregnancy. Now, this sounds strange, but in reality it's insightful.

Much like a mother establishes a relationship with her child before it is born, so does God establish a relationship with us on this earth. Or at least, He wants to. We've got to let Him, by prayer, Bible reading, and church-going. That is the only way that we will successfully establish a relationship with Christ.

Here's the GLORIOUS part: we get to see Jesus' face someday! And then we can truly have a relationship with Him! Something to look forward to, if you are one of His own.

After all of that was said, our speaker went on to talk about dying to ourselves, humbling ourselves, so that we can walk with Him. This somewhat ties back in with building a relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and worship. Those are the three key points that He wants us I get from these verses. Build a relationship with God in these ways, and you will most likely establish a great walk with Jesus Christ.

You will then be able to witness, worship, and pray fervently and seek God's will for your life.

But you must die to yourself first!

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