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Chapter: Good Hearted

Real Life Superheroes (RLSH) is an online community of people who engage in different forms of activism using the thematic device of the costumed superhero, many of them adopting pseudonyms and wearing custom-made outfits. They perform services that they believe benefits the community in a variety of ways, fighting what they consider their biggest enemy: Public apathy. Some Real Life Superheroes hand out supplies to the homeless, raise money for charity or just lend an ear so someone in trouble knows they care. Others seek to combat crime through community patrols and neighborhood watch, in which suspicious activity is identified and reported to the proper authorities. Some in the RLSH community try to resolve issues on their own, contrary to the wishes of the police.
    They call themselves superheroes, and with names like Dark Guardian, Red Dragon and Viper, they would fit perfectly among the pages of comic books. However, unlike their ink-and-paper counterparts, they can’t fly, vanish into thin air or outrun a speeding locomotive. They are usually armed with nothing more than good intentions – and maybe a camera and a cell phone. They come from all walks of life, have all sorts of body types and range in age from 6 to over 60. Many share a love of comic books and superhero movies and a passion for bringing the superhero virtues of trustworthiness, bravery and selflessness to the real world.
    The Vigilante Spider, who has spent 11 years performing acts of kindness around San Diego, is a member of the Real Life Superheroes. The group has nearly 60 members, who wear tights, cloaks etc. and to spread the message that “everybody can make a difference”.

Possible Moral
What does it take to be a superhero? What powers must you possess to do what is right and help others? If you ask any of these “superfolks” who help out their community around the world, I bet they would say: “Just be a neighbor. Reach out to those in need. Stand up for what you know is right. If you have the power and the ability to change the surrounding social environment, do so”. Everyone wants the world to change, but who out there will try?

Story from We All Need Heroes: Stories of the Brave and Foolish.
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