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Chapter: When People Connect

For many people, the thought of taking significant financial risks holds them back from jumping head first into launching the idea that has been stuck in the creases of their brain. Crowdfunding is designed to take the risk out of that creativity and innovation, allowing even the little guy to do something amazing. Inspired by crowd sourcing, crowdfunding describes the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money together. Crowdfunding occurs for a variety of purposes: Disaster relief, citizen journalism, artists seeking support from fans, political campaigns etc. If you’ve been holding back because of lack of funds, you might just find there’s help out there. Fueled by the community, and managed by some fantastic sites, crowdfunding can help you fund your idea, business startup or music project.
    Crowdfunding website Kickstarter is the largest funding site there is. Fund anything, from life sized mousetrap games to one man’s cultural journey across Mexico – Kickstarter has clearly captured the imagination of its audience. The key lesson to the most successful projects being funded, is that they make people feel like they’re contributing to support something neat, but also that they’re paying for inside access to a product they’ve committed to.
    What really got the world to notice Kickstarter and the true power of crowdfunding was the success of video game producer Double Fine’s campaign in early 2012. They were aiming high. They hoped to raise $400,000 to fund an upcoming adventure game. The campaign ended up raising almost $3.4 million (!), shattering records and publisher’s hearts worldwide. This success was to change game financing forever.

Possible Moral
Could this be the best thing that ever happened to modern culture? A new and exciting universe where possibilities seem endless for both creative professionals and amateurs. The power is in the hand (and wallets) of the people! Now go fund something awesome.

Story from We All Need Heroes: Stories of the Brave and Foolish.
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