Ch. 27 Kissing is NOT fun

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Helloooo my lovely readers :) How's everyone been? I hope good cause I’m in a very happy mood!!!!


Filler Chapter….. Hope you like it! I’ll update again this weekend.

Keep voting and commenting

Love ya xxx.

All Rights Reserved

---Harry’s POV---

                I can’t believe this. The bay was suppose to be private, just Melody and I. Everything was actually going good for once! I don’t understand how people even found out I was there. I sit on her bed with her laptop on my lap just staring at it as if it’ll all just magically disappear if I stare at it long enough.


How did this happen and who did it? My mind quickly starts to run through people who could have done it…

Paparazzi? Maybe…

Crazy Fans? Could be…

Carter? I don’t think he would do something like that…

I pace around Melody’s bedroom and try to figure out who could have done this but nothing. I don’t have beef with anyone, I was very careful with the paps; I just don’t understand. I continue pacing around when Melody walks in…just wearing a robe.

“Hey… you okay?” She says softly as she gets closer to me. I swallow the lump that formed as soon as she walked in the room and nod. She looks at me and then the laptop in her bed then back at me.

“Whatcha doing here?” She says reaching out for the laptop. I quickly close the laptop before she can see it.

“Nothing, just watching stupid home videos. How about we head to my apartment cause I need to shower now” I tell her dragging her out the door.

“Wait, I need to change. My clothes got wet in the shower" She says going back into her room. She turns back and smirks before closing the door, leaving me out. Why couldn’t I be present while she changes? I sit in the living room and pout. As I wait for her Carter walks in the apartment. We stare at each other for a full five minutes before I break the silence.

“Hello Carter” I tell him politely. He smiles politely back and gives me a firm nod before going to his room. I follow him inside deciding that it’s the perfect time to talk to him about Melody and ask him about the tape.

“Wait Carter, can I talk to you for a moment” I ask him before walking in his room and closing the door. He nods and motions me inside.

“So how you been Carter?” I ask him slowly. It’s better to start off in a good tone right?

“Just fine. What is it that you need; I need to leave back to work soon.” He snaps at me. Wow, he’s in a sour mood today. Before thinking twice I blurt out.

“I’ve seen the way you look at Melody” I tell him a bit possessive but this is my girl we’re talking about.

“I’m not looking at her in any way” He quickly reassures me.

“Carter don’t try to play that off with me. I know how a guy looks at a girl they fancy, it’s the same look I give Melody” I snap back at him.

“I’M GAY! How could I like her?” He rebounds. I don’t believe him, he’s too defensive.

“Are you really” I ask him more calm this time. He hesitates a moment before answering.

“Yes.” He tells me confidently before adding, “And I can prove it”

Before I could say or do anything, Carter leans in and kisses me right on the lips. I froze on the spot. I didn’t move, I didn’t breathe; I just stood there with my eyes open in shock. I felt the blood drain out of my body, never in my life have I felt this light headed. Carter pulls away and smiles.

“I’m I gay enough for you now?” He smirks at me and raises an eyebrow. I nod still in shock and quickly leave the room. Maybe I was wrong… Maybe I’m just being a possessive boyfriend. All I know is that Carter is definitely gay.

I go back to the living room and see Melody waiting for me. She looks up and smiles but it quickly fades as she sees me face. She makes her way to me and wraps her hands around my waist.  

“Babe, are you okay? Your pale and look scared” She tells me worriedly. I stare into her eyes and I start to relax. I smile at her and nod in relief. I’m not gay he is. Melody is mines not his. I repeat this in my head over and over again until I’m full relaxed. Carter comes out a little bit after.

“Hey Mels” He comes up to hug her. I quickly stiffen as he brushes past me. “Hello Harry” He smirks at me. I nod at him and drop my eyes to the ground. Never am I going to be alone with him again.

“Well I’m off to work again. Booorriiingg” He sings the last bit and hugs Melody again. “Bye Harry” He tells me with a wink before leaving the apartment. I stood there, feeling all the shock and fright coming back.

“What was that all about” Melody laughs. “I don’t know” I quickly tell her and drag her to my car. Melody won’t find out about that kiss nor will she find out about the sex tape shit.

Handcuffed to a Flirt ( 1D Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now