Chapter 17

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Nk's Pov

Poland and Singa were on the bed while I sat cross legged on the floor. I did pack up a little before Poland came with some help from Singapore. South had discovered about Singa this morning since we went out to eat something for breakfast. We did have some difficulties explaining but we laughed it off. The three of us were in my room since South and Germany were outside and I didn't exactly want to disturb them.

  The girls were chatting and mostly getting to know each other while I sat quietly, listening to their conversation. I began to use my phone as I was feeling bored. It was currently lunchtime and honestly I was starting to feel a bit peckish. After scrolling through my social media for a bit and listening to the laughter of Poland and Singapore, someone knocked on my room door which I quickly assumed was South.

  I opened the door and my assumptions were correct, no surprise though. South said that they were done and asked if all of us wanted to go eat together. The other two nodded quickly and stood up. I shrugged and went to get my valuables while South went to his room.

  When I took my wallet, I didn't realise that Singa was next to me, standing on the bed. She put on the cloth on me, I saw her give a cheerful smile so I left it on while smiling back. We went out together, Ger and Pol were already at the door while South also came out at the same time.

  We decided to get some fast food at the nearby mall. All of us mostly ate the same thing except that Singa ate a bit lesser. She quickly explained to me that she doesn't exactly eat fast food a lot and that she wasn't feeling hungry. I did ask her again but she insisted not to eat more. When we were done with the food, we mostly sat around and just drank the water we had yet to finish.

  "Nice...eye patch?" South commented.

  "Oh...uh, thanks...?" I put my hand on the piece of cloth Singa gave me.

  I saw Singa smile at the comment from South. I smile as well. We left the fast food restaurant after we finished our drinks. We all chose to walk around the mall for a bit, pausing occasionally when the girls got distracted at some things. We didn't buy anything though. We all went back to my house and just watched the television. South took a while to find a channel that the others could understand since our shows were mostly in Korean.

  Singa and I were just outside of the house. I was showing her the plants which South and I took care of at the mini garden behind the house. I had to water it and she just decided to follow so I just introduced the plants to her. They were mostly flowers.

  "Want me to show you something?" I asked as I placed the watering can at the side of our garden:

  "Sure," Singa shrugged.

  "South always tells me not to do it but I usually go against it," I explain as I led her to the back of the house again, "he says it's dangerous."

  Singa nods as I explain. I led her to this tree we have, just next to the house, one of it's branch stretched towards the roof.

  "So you climb up this tree," I say as I do it, "go over to this branch and onto the roof."

  I watch Singa do it. She seemed pretty confident. After a while she lands next to me on the roof.

  "I usually come here when the sun isn't so hot like at night or in the evening," I walked over to the side of the roof and sat down.

  Singapore follows me. She sat down, our legs dangling off the side. We continue to chat but after a while, South came out and looked around the exterior of the house before spotting us. He told us to get down immediately which I did.

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