Chapter 5

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Sk's Pov

"How long is the teacher going to hold them back?" North Korea groaned.

"I'm sure they'll be done soon," I replied.

  I turned back to my phone. Just giggling at some things I saw my friends put up on social media. My brother seemed to have stopped complaining and loud chattering was heard. I assume something happened or maybe Ame and Rus had finished.

  However, when I looked up, I saw North Korea stare at a group of students as they left which, to me, was a little unusual. I haven't seen those students before in the school as well, I had only recognised the two which bumped into me so I quickly assumed that they were the new students.

  "그들은 누구입니까?" I asked, making North look at me.

  "No one important," he replied.

  "Are those the new kids you asked about?"

  "Then why did you ask?" North looked away.

"Hey!" I shouted loudly suddenly.

I waved as I caught Ame and Rus's siblings. North began using his phone as the "couple" approached us.

"Your brothers aren't with you?"

Canada shook his head, "I was just going to go to the mall with Ukraine."

"Hm okay, enjoy yourselves," I smiled and dismissed them for I actually didn't have anything to do with them and I called them mostly for fun.

North and I leaned against the exterior walls of the school compound. We were both using our handphones as we waited for our friends, occasionally looking up to see if they were done. Finally, after my phone had lost at least twenty percent, I saw America come out of the school followed by Russia.

"You guys took forever," North said in a monotonous voice, it still managed to sound a little funny but I stopped myself from laughing.

  "Yeah," I agreed shortly after as I began walking away, the other three followed.

"Well the teacher made me redo my work and Rus was waiting for me," America explained quickly.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, flicking my hand and dismissing it, "you guys free to hang out?"

"Well yeah," Russia replied, "I am anyway."

Ame nodded, we decided to head to the mall which was nearby our houses. We placed our bags at home first before meeting up outside again. However, as I placed my bag on the floor in my room, I heard the front door close. I sighed and assumed North left without me. I quickly left after grabbing my valuables and left to the mall.

  "Why'd you leave so early without me?" I asked North.

  He leaned against the wall, his arms were crossed as wore his natural face which seemed emotionless yet a little angry at the same time.

  "I just wanted to," he replied slowly after some silence, "anyway Rus and Ame arrived earlier, they needed the washroom."

  "Well sorry for taking so long!" I joked, "let's go look for them."

  My twin nodded and went in first. It was as if I walked through a barrier protecting the cold air, walking through it made me forget the heat I was under a few minutes ago. Just then, the couple was already walking towards us.

  "So," North began, "what do y'all want to do now?"

  "Let's eat lunch," America suggested, "we haven't eaten anything right?"

  I nodded, we'd have a late lunch if we ate now but I did feel hungry. We went to find a place to eat at. Something that wasn't too expensive and something to satisfy all of us.

그들은 누구입니까 :
m - "who are those"
G - "who are they"

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