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The restaurant eventually got less busy with new clients, but the ones who were already there stayed for a while. This was without exception for the newly constituted group of friends, which was consisting of, apparently, two compatible teams that never mingled before.

Mizuiro didn't expect to have that much fun tonight. Maybe it was the alcohol, but she felt less anxious about the possibility of uneasiness during the late evening. Emi eventually let herself relax around Kiba and Kyousuke always tried to include everyone in his conversations. Hinata was preparing strange combinations of food, asking the others to taste her culinary inventions. Even though Shino wasn't discussing much and Mizuiro only ever spoke when she was asked questions, they both enjoyed being in company of their friends. At least, that's what their soft smiles revealed whenever they interacted with others.

"Here, Shino." Proceeded Hinata while offering him a plate. "I put some salmon leftovers on white rice with scallions. It's not much, but we should finish cooking the salmon before putting another type of meat on the grill."

"Thank you." he simply answered.

When he accepted it, he saw that she got very generous with the serving.

"That's quite a lot," he mentioned.

"Well... I made it for you and Mizuiro to share!"

Redness appeared on Mizuiro's face while Hinata's expression featured a gentle smile. Mizuiro never mentioned her interest towards Shino to anyone, and he was also ok with keeping their relationship secret. At least, for now. However, Hinata has obviously been suspicious of something for a while. Clearly, she wanted her friend to know she had recognized her feelings... but she didn't have to do it so blatantly!

"I see." he mumbled casually.

Shino proceeded to separate the portion in two parts, making sure he put way more rice into her plate than his.

"Not cool, Shino!" randomly intervened Kiba. "You're keeping most of the salmon!"

Mizuiro was going to interpose herself in defense of her friend, but she didn't have the time do so.

"It's ok." Shino said, not even lifting his face off his task. "That's because she loves rice and prefers vegetables to meat."

Kiba shrugged, not making a case out of it. He dipped the baked potato slice he was eating in his soy sauce before eating it.

"I'm too concentrated on my food when I eat. I don't observe creepily like you."

"That's not creepy." Shino clarified. "I just happen to know her preference. That's what friends do."

Mizuiro tried not to be embarrassed by the fact that her eating behavior was now the center of attention. She thanked him silently, not without noticing Emi strangely looking towards them. After this, she slowly moved away from Shino and kept eating nonchalantly.

"White rice is so bland, Mizu!" expressed Kyousuke. "I don't understand why you like it so much."

"It's the subtlety of the taste." she shrugged.

"Yeah, aren't you the subtle one, uh?" asserted Emi, crossing her arms on top of her chest.

It took a while for Mizuiro to understand she was actually addressing this comment towards her.


"You heard me." her teammate insisted. "That's it, I'm calling it. Usually it's Kyousuke's job, but now it's my turn."

Hinata, Kiba and Shino didn't understand what she was talking about. It's not like they could have with such a lack of explanation. However, Mizuiro's face already started to show worry. Meanwhile, Kyousuke's eyes were full of wit, not expecting this from Emi.

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